Unfortunately, today ends my maternity leave with Lucy! It is hard to believe this time with my baby is ending. I hope I will always remember how fortunate I was to spend over six months with Lucy before official returning back to work. She is almost 7 months old and a very active baby. She loves to sit up and play with her toys. She enjoys watching other babies. She loves to kiss/slobber on her Mommy and Daddy's face. She still loves to nurse and it calms her at all times. She is a cuddly baby and loves to be held and rocked. She is a smiling, happy baby who is beginning to laugh more frequently.
She is our perfect baby girl! Who has grown so much since the day she was born.
Ready, Set....GO! Tomorrow is my first "official" day back to school and it begins with district breakfast/meeting at the high school. Then we have the rest of the day to work in our classrooms and lunch is provided by the local Methodist church. Tuesday brings a staff meeting in our building and more time in our classrooms. Tuesday evening is Open House from 5:00-6:00pm. So Denny will head to Granville from work to pick up Lucy early because we don't want her to be at Little Village until that late. Then Wednesday THE STUDENTS START SCHOOL! Wish us luck this week...
You guys did it right with doing the practice runs last week, you will do great this week, but I will still be thinking about you, I know this pain and joy (it is mixed, I promise)...just think, L. starts "school" tomorrow as do you and Jackson moves up to the big kid 2 year old room tomorrow.....transitions!!!
Enjoy the meetings. NOT. and have fun getting back to school. Lucy will be fine. Denny will be able to free himself for Lucy on those teacher days when you have to have conferences, meetings, whatever. It will work out! xo
Wow, it's almost hump day! See, you can do this! Before you know it, Lucy will be the 16 month old walking around the school and watching the newborns! Hard to even believe!
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