Sunday, January 31, 2010

39 weeks.....7 days to go!

I can't believe the counter now says only "7 days to go!" I can vividly remember when it was over 200 days. We are so excited for the big day to come and we feel ready! I couldn't be happier that we are only one week from her due date! When will you arrive Miss Lucy?

Many people have made suggestions of things we should try to do before our first baby arrives. I think we have checked most off the list:
1. Go out to eat A LOT (check!)
2. Go see movies (check!)
3. Prepare and freeze some meals (double check on this one...thanks Mom!)
4. Go out with friends (check!)
5. Get stocked up on baby essentials (check!)
6. Book a newborn photo shoot (check...Shannon we are so excited for you to take pictures of baby Lucy!)

This week's "Pregnancy Facts" for Mom-to-be says your center of gravity has shifted so you may become clumsier. This couldn't be any further from the truth. Just yesterday, I stubbed my pinky toe so bad that I literally crumbled in pain at least 3 different times during the day. (Each time Denny came running to me thinking this could be the start of labor...hahah!)

I hope you all enjoy a relaxing Sunday! I am ready for the work week to start and discover when Miss Lucy wants to greet this world. If nothing happens before, I have a doctors appointment Wednesday after work. I'll keep you updated!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Doctor Appt today...

This afternoon I had another doctor appointment. The doc said my belly is measuring perfect, weight gain and blood pressure look great, and I have made some progress! I am now 70% effaced. She also confirmed again that Lucy's head is down and in position! Dr. Atwood told me that my body is now ready and once the contractions start it'll be a GO! She also said, "I'm on call this weekend!" (Hmmmm...does she know something? :)

We will be in touch...maybe sooner rather than later?!? 11 days until my official due date!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Babies, babies, babies...

What an exciting time with many babies on their way! I wanted to share with you the first pictures of Baby Burrow #2 and Baby Warren.

Baby Burrow #2 (due in early May!)

Baby Warren (due in late July!)
Still waiting to find out if it's a boy or girl!?!? (Stacy when's the ultrasound scheduled?)

Lucy is pretty lucky to have a cousin, on both sides of her family, so close in age! I'm sure they will all have a blast growing up together!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

38 weeks

Today we hit the 38 week mark. Only 14 days to go until Lucy's official due date! We had a very relaxing weekend, spending time with friends, running errands, and sleeping in! :) We are ready for Miss L whenever she is ready to come! Bags are packed, carseat is loaded in the car, and cameras are charged! I have another doctor appointment this I'll update you all soon!

Here is my 38 week belly...

We can't wait to meet you baby Lucy!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jon!

Today is Jon's 30th Birthday! We hope that you have a wonderful birthday and enjoy some fun tonight with friends on the beach. We wish we could be there with you to celebrate!


This AM we went to a hospital tour at Mt. Carmel East. It was very informative and I'm really glad we went. We now know where to check in and where to park. We saw the Labor and Delivery rooms on the 2nd floor. We also saw the Mother and Infant rooms, where we will be for most of our stay, on the 3rd floor. On the 3rd floor they showed us where to find ice, coffee, and snacks:), where visitors can wait for us, where to find extra linens, the nursery, etc.

I definitely got some chills and teary eyed during the tour realizing how soon we'll be right there......meeting Miss Lucy!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Doctor Appt today...

This afternoon I went to my doc for my weekly check-up and now I'm feeling a bit bummed. I was very, very hopefully to hear Lucy is coming, but I am even happier to hear she is a healthy growing baby (who must be very content in my belly...haaha.)

My belly measurements have slowed, as she is head down and engaged, and there has been little change over the past two weeks. The doctor did remind me that "we want her to grow for 2 or more weeks!" AHHHHHH!!! I know she is right but I'm getting very anxious.

Denny's taking me out to dinner, when he gets home from class, so we can continue to enjoy our time as a "couple!" (But I can't forget that our packed bags are waiting by the door ;) )

Monday, January 18, 2010

The art of Babywearing!

Today is MLK, jr. day and on my day off I decided to "play" in Lucy's nursery....surprised? I spent my morning looking through all the slings/wraps I have to carry Miss Lucy (thanks to gifts from friends and Julia I have quite a few!) I got them all unpacked, hung up and ready to use. I also researched them on the internet to figure out which can be used with newborns, etc!

While searching the internet I found this dance video....hahahahahha. I think this is my new favorite! You all know I loved "Single Ladies!" but now this is more appropriate :)

"If you love 'em then you should'a put a sling on 'em!"

Uh Oh....I think this is a glimpse into Lucy's future.... HAHAH :)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Nursery continues...

We hung some of the things in the nursery this evening. It is really starting to come together! We're waiting to hang things above the crib because I am not quite sure how I want it yet and I want to get Lucy's little footprint and handprint in one of the silver leaf frames.

Some of the updates and our new glider:
Daddy's ready...

Look, Lucy's bag is packed!

Soon and very soon our lives will change...

And I had to include this picture...we were taking a few pictures together and only after taking the pictures did I realize my belly was hanging out the whole time. HAHA! I've definitely hit the 37 week mark!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Getting closer...

Things are coming along as we get closer and closer to Lucy's due date. Today we got our car seats checked at a fire station (it was actually one of my student's dad who setup the appointment for us!), we made a quick trip to Target to get a few goodies for Lucy, and now we are planning out where to hang pictures, growth chart, shelves, and letters in the nursery.

Here are some of the things we have to decorate with:

letters to spell "LUCY"

silver leaf frames

flower growth chart

We have several silver leaf frames, a silver leaf mirror, and 2 small white shelves. Wonder if we can put them together to do something like these pictures?


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Doctor Appt.

My appointment with Dr. Atwood went great yesterday. Lucy continues to grow, my belly is measuring around 35 centimeters. Her heartbeat is sounding better than ever :) And she even kicked and wiggled for the doctor. Her head is down and engaged and my body continues to make progress. The doctor said, "She could arrive in a week or 3 weeks!" HAHA! Nice estimate, right? We are blessed to receive good news about her health and I'm willing to wait until she is ready to meet the world.

But, let's be honest.........who is just DYING to meet this sweet, little baby?!?!?!?!? :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

36 weeks...

Another week has flown by! We are now at 36 weeks. I am very eager for my doctor's appt. tomorrow @ 4:15. I wonder if I'll have made any more progress? Lucy continues to move, kick, and wiggle around all day long. She especially loves to move when I sit still or lay down:) Although, she no longer can maneuver her full body turns and must be too tight in there!

I will update everyone after my appointment tomorrow afternoon. I always look forward to hearing her little heartbeat!

Still growing...

We also got a glider and ottoman today for the nursery. I found exactly what we were hoping for on Craigslist and it is in great condition! It is white wood with light purple cushions. It's a great addition to the nursery! I'll post pictures of the nursery this week.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Baby Shower!

While in Perrysburg over the holidays I had a wonderful baby shower! Julia and Jenny did so much planning, decorating, and extra special touches to make it a lovely shower. The shower included the Tinney family, the O'Bryant, the Peshke family, friends, and the Ehrmin family. It was a beautiful day and Toledo Country Club was just the perfect venue. The pink room had beautiful windows showing the snow outside, a large fireplace, a gorgeous Christmas tree, and adorable table decorations! It was a very special day!
The delicious cake!
I received so many wonderful gifts. Lucy is one LUCKY girl!
Ellie was a big girl throughout the shower and loved helping "Aunt Frances!"
I will never forget opening this amazing clothes line full of goodies from the Ehrmin girls!
And I was lucky to be surronded by family and friends!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The countdown is on...

We've made it to 35 weeks! At my last doctor appointment the doctor gave me the special emergency number to call when I begin labor and began to check my progress!!! And now I am....VERY.EXCITED.TO.MEET.LITTLE.LUCY!

I now visit Dr. Atwood every week until Lucy decides to arrive. Yesterday I was 50% effaced and Lucy was head down and engaged! Although this doesn't mean she is coming right now, it is progress from the week before, which means I am getting very, very excited! Lucy's bag is packed and ready for the hospital, although mine isn't yet. Her's was much more fun to pack!

Here are pictures of Lucy growing bigger and bigger!!! :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas 2009!

Enjoy some pictures from Christmas break! We had a wonderful time with our families! We cannot wait to share this special season with Lucy next year. Just think she will be around 10 months old next Christmas :)


Pregnant Peshke cousins!

Denny and I have spent the weekend "nesting." We organized the kitchen cupboards and made a shelf for bottles and baby things. Pack n' Play, co-sleeper, and swing are put together. The nursery is really coming along! Lucy's bag for the hospital is packed. Diapers and wipes are put away. Car seat bases are unpacked ready to be installed (it was just WAY to cold outside to do today.) Look for pictures this week!

Friday, January 1, 2010


Happy New Year! What an exciting year 2010 will be for Denny and I. We can't wait to welcome Lucy into our family. Yesterday, I had an OB appt. and Denny came along. We were able to hear her heartbeat, the doctor confirmed she is head down, weighed me and measured her growth. She told us that everything looks good! We are so grateful for her health. I now go to the doctor every week until Lucy arrives! I promise to keep you all updated after each appointment.

Last night went on a double date with Laura and Canon to celebrate New Year's Eve and then were home in time to fall asleep by midnight. HAHA! I think we are preparing ourselves for parenthood :) Happy 2010 to everyone!