I can't believe the counter now says only "7 days to go!" I can vividly remember when it was over 200 days. We are so excited for the big day to come and we feel ready! I couldn't be happier that we are only one week from her due date! When will you arrive Miss Lucy?
Many people have made suggestions of things we should try to do before our first baby arrives. I think we have checked most off the list:
1. Go out to eat A LOT (check!)
2. Go see movies (check!)
3. Prepare and freeze some meals (double check on this one...thanks Mom!)
4. Go out with friends (check!)
5. Get stocked up on baby essentials (check!)
6. Book a newborn photo shoot (check...Shannon we are so excited for you to take pictures of baby Lucy!)
This week's "Pregnancy Facts" for Mom-to-be says your center of gravity has shifted so you may become clumsier. This couldn't be any further from the truth. Just yesterday, I stubbed my pinky toe so bad that I literally crumbled in pain at least 3 different times during the day. (Each time Denny came running to me thinking this could be the start of labor...hahah!)
I hope you all enjoy a relaxing Sunday! I am ready for the work week to start and discover when Miss Lucy wants to greet this world. If nothing happens before, I have a doctors appointment Wednesday after work. I'll keep you updated!
How To Propagate Succulents
3 weeks ago