Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Last Days as a Family of Three!

We are enjoying our last days as a family of 3.  Ohio has had beautiful weather and we have been able to take lots of walks around the neighborhood and trips to the park.

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I am officially 39 weeks pregnant!  Here are some pictures of me, Lucy, and Eddie (at 39 weeks.)
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Lucy was also loving the swing and had a blast with Daddy!  She is such a HAM!
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She looks 5 in this picture.  It is totally "Hey, look at me sitting on this big girl swing!"
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In other exciting news, I have been in early stages of labor since Monday evening.  After work and a Dr's appointment on Monday, I began to have some regular and hard contractions.  Nothing that became time-able or too serious but things are progressing right along.  I will go to the Dr this morning to check on the progress and see what she thinks.  Possibly going to the hospital on Thursday to break my water and get things really going. At my last visit, on Monday, I was already 4 cm!  Baby Eddie will be here SOON! We are so excited.

Lucy woke up this morning and said to her Daddy, "Baby Brother is coming!" :) We agree with her and couldn't be happier!


Jenny and Jon said...
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Jenny and Jon said...

Oh my goodness...seriously, 4 cm and NOT in active labor, I think he will just fly out! I am telling you, NEVER EVER was I more than 1/2 cm when my active labors did start and always painful in my back for hours before ANY will be soon, can't wait to hear:) This was SO me last year around this time. You look great too, I'm sure you feel huge but you don't look terribly large:) Keep us posted, this is always so exciting.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

You sure do make a beautiful pregnant woman, wow!