You are the best big sister in the world! You love your "baby brother" so much. You often tell me to "help baby brother" if he is crying or even fussing just a little. You will walk by him and brush his hair or pat his head in the sweetest, gentlest way possible. You do not like when he is fussy and prefer me to tend to him before playing/helping you. You are so patient, Lucy!
You do not call him "Eddie" but instead it is always "baby brother!" You are so proud of him and like to show him off to others. When you wake up in the morning, you often ask me "Where is baby brother?" if you don't see him right away. He is part of our family now!
You also love to have me "baby" you more now too! You like me to hold you ("eat you") - not sure where you came up with this phrase?!? You like to hold my hand and adore to cuddle when you wake up in the morning and after nap. You are still my little baby girl.
You are adjusting so well to our new family! Mommy and Daddy love you so much. You seem so big and are getting smarter every day. Your vocabulary shocks us and sometimes we can't believe what you are saying. You learn new words every day.
But most of all, we love having fun with you! You are such a light-hearted, happy toddler! We love you Lucy!
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