Thursday, May 10, 2012

Meeting the Ehrmin Family!

Grandma DeeDee and Grandpa Beba came Friday afternoon to meet Eddie in the hospital! It was love at first sight...
Eddie's birth_120504_0078

Eddie's birth_120504_0081
Eddie's birth_120504_0079
Eddie's birth_120504_0086
Eddie's birth_120504_0087

DeeDee, Beba, and Eddie!
Eddie's birth_120504_0084

Sunday evening Eddie got to meet his Aunt Emily, Aunt Megan, and Uncle Tim!
Eddie's birth_120506_0183
Eddie's birth_120506_0185
Eddie's birth_120506_0186
1 week old_120510_0018

Aunt Stacy and cousin, Grace also drove to Columbus to visit baby Eddie!
2 weeks old_120512_0012
2 weeks old_120512_0013
(As you can see, Lucy also enjoyed their visit!!!)

Grace enjoyed the chocolate cupcake dessert!
2 weeks old_120513_0019
2 weeks old_120513_0025
So cute - She cracks me up!

Cousin LOVE!
2 weeks old_120513_0033
Lucy told me, "Take a picture Mommy!"  "Say Cheese!"
2 weeks old_120513_0029

We are so lucky to have such loving family.  Eddie and Lucy love their grandparents and aunts/uncles so much! Thank you to everyone who  was able to visit us in the first weeks.  It was wonderful to see everyone and share our new baby with you!

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Lucy is hilarious in these. (And seriously, doesn't Eddie have the most gorgeous Ehrmin aunties, ever? Wow! Beauties!) I think Lucy thinks all of this attention is for her! Ha!