April 30th I began having uncomfortable cramping while
teaching. I went out to lunch with
a few teacher friends, cramping continued to get worse, and they both suggested
I call my DR. Reluctantly so, I
called Dr. Atwood and let her know how I was feeling and she suggested I come
in as soon as I could. I organized my things at school the best I could,
knowing I may not be returning (ironically the important state testing was
beginning the next morning!) and was to the Dr’s office by 3:30p.m.. During my
checkup Dr. A discovered I was 3-4 cm and about 75% effaced. She was “on-call” that night and told
me she wouldn’t be surprised to see me! I quickly called Denny, my Mom, and
Megan. Denny began packing up at
work and heading home. My mom was
“on-call” and Megan offered to have Lucy spend the night. Denny and I spent the evening walking
around the block, contractions coming and going, from very uncomfortable to
bearable. This lasted all evening
and at about 11:00 p.m. we began charting them. They were about 8 minutes apart, 30 seconds long and I
thought….this is going to be it!
After about 30 minutes of this, not getting anymore intense, I decided
to try to get some sleep and see what happened. Cramps continued throughout the night, but nothing chartable
anymore and I woke up Tuesday morning a bit confused/frustrated. Lucy spent the night at the
babysitters, Denny and I home from work and no true labor happening…
May 1st, morning around
10:00a.m., we went to Granville to pick up Lucy and hoped to spend the day with
her as labor did not seem to be progressing We both missed her so much. We rarely, if ever, spend a night away
from her so this was not easy on us.
On the other hand, she had the time of her life with Megan and didn’t
stop telling us about the fun with Aubrey! Not sure what was happening with my
labor we decided to just take it easy and have a low-key family day. Tuesday was a pretty normal day and my
labor did not progress much. Dr.
Atwood scheduled an appointment for me on Wednesday to see how I was
progressing and to discuss induction for Thursday morning.
May 2nd, I had an appointment with Dr. Atwood in the morning. I was now 5 cm and 90% effaced and she
said my body was ready to go! I was eager to hear this news because I was
feeling quite exhausted after being in pre-labor since Monday morning. Denny
and I were ready to meet Eddie and quite anxious after several days of
labor. So, we decided to schedule
the induction for Thursday morning at Mount Carmel East. I quickly called Mom
and Papa and they organized things in Perrysburg so they could head down
Thursday morning. They planned to
stay with Lucy for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday while we were in the
hospital. This was very reassuring
for me, because I didn’t want to have to worry about Lucy while in labor. I knew she would be in good hands! We
were able to spend another low-key family day together, which was
wonderful. It seemed that God had
a plan to give me this slow, steady pre-labor to allow our family a few
relaxing days together. Our last
days as a family of 3 and we enjoyed every minute!
barely slept Wednesday night as the anticipation of labor, a brand new baby
joining our family, how Lucy would feel with us not home a few days, and
meeting Eddie were a bit too much for my mind! But, I woke up Thursday morning
ready to go! Being induced was much different than going into labor naturally,
and we had plenty of time to eat breakfast, pack the car, and spend the morning
with Lucy. Unfortunately, the
hospital was very busy and called to tell me to wait until 11:00 to come
in. This was not the news an
anxious Mom wants but we dealt.
Denny and I left the house around 10:15, grabbed a quick bite to eat,
and arrived at Mount Carmel East @ 11:00a.m. After a quite frustrating registration process (new computer
system was being implemented that week in the whole health system = nightmare!)
I was checking in my labor room around noon.
The nurses started a low-dose of
Pitocin and my contractions began to intensify and get more regular. Things were getting pretty painful, but
still tolerable.
Around 3:00-4:00
my contractions really got going and they were about every 2 minutes and
getting intense. I was about 7-8
cm at this point and very, very uncomfortable.
Around 4:15 I got my epidural, OUCH it was just awful but wonderful at the same time, and the
Dr. also broke my water shortly thereafter.
This is when things got going! I also was having intense pain in my right rib cage,
as Eddie’s little butt or feet were wedged right there. It was quite painful and I remember telling Denny over and over again that Eddie needed to MOVE! My contractions continued to be very
close together and very intense from 4:30-6:30pm when Dr. Atwood arrived to
check me. She said I was ready!!!, 10
cm, and that we would be seeing this baby boy soon! At 7:12 p.m. Edward Dennis
Ehrmin was born after just a few pushes!
He cried instantly and Dr. Atwood was able to put him right on my
(iPhone photo but look at that little pout-lip on him!)
His little cry was just the
sound we wanted to hear! Denny cut his umbilical cord and I was able to cuddle
with him for a while before he was checked out by the nurses. He was the sweetest, calmest little boy
I had ever seen. It was surreal to
be holding the baby boy that had been growing inside me for 9 months. He was quiet, calm and just looking
around. A moment I’ll never, never forget – holding Eddie for the first time as
he took in the world around him!
Daddy holding Eddie for the first time!
Dennis Ehrmin
May 3, 2012 at 7:12 p.m.
6 pound and 7 ounces and 20 inches long.
Eddie got his first sponge bath in our room as we settled in a few hours later.

He was so calm and just checked out the world around him!

We were all settled in for the night around 10:00 p.m. and Denny ordered us Donatos pizza for dinner! It was quite a treat after not eating for 12 hours.
He was so calm and just checked out the world around him!
We were all settled in for the night around 10:00 p.m. and Denny ordered us Donatos pizza for dinner! It was quite a treat after not eating for 12 hours.
enjoyed the first night with our little baby boy(he nursed like a pro), we actually
got some sleep, and we were very, very excited for our visitors to arrive the
next morning to meet Eddie!
What a great story...this kind of sounds like the slow start I had with SB, but I did NOT get so lucky to have the induction as I was not dilated until hours before she was born, slow and steady wins the race I guess:) He looks so sweet, keep your eyes out for a special package likely to arrive mid-next week!
Beautiful memoir. Beautiful new family. Beautiful son. Thank you for sharing! (P.S. That pizza looks amazing!)
Welcome to the world you handsome little man. So glad you were able to relax and really prepare for this little one! Can't wait to meet him. Makes me want another one. :)
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