Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Eddie's First Picture!

It is hard to believe that Eddie will be 1 week old today!

Our hearts overflowed with joy the first seconds we held him.
Eddie's birth_120503_0027

He is just perfect!  We love you Edward.
Eddie's birth_120503_0031


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

{whispers...} birth story please... :)

Jenny and Jon said...

yes...I echo Julia's request, especially since I can't hold or smell or cuddle this boy from so far away.......you know the newborn smell I am talking about, I can't stand not to be able to see him this little!!! Jon says I need to stay OFF this blog because I get crazy and start thinking I want another baby,crazy I tell you.

Mimi and Papa said...

Mimi and Papa are so lucky to have been in Columbus with Lucy while the beautiful baby Edward was born. The rest of the story is from Frances. :)