Monday, April 23, 2012

Baby Eddie!

We have hit the 38 week mark!  Only 15 days until Eddie's official due date.  I went to the Doc this afternoon and I am 2-3 cm. dilated and Eddie's head is low and engaged. I am ready to go when he is!  Now it is just a waiting game...

We can't wait to meet Eddie but also don't want to rush things.  I know he will come when he is ready :)  I just can't wait to see his sweet, little newborn face!

Here is Lucy cuddling with Eddie!  I think he will be very use to his sister when he is born.  She jumps right in my arms, sits on my baby bump and is quite content!
Photo on 4-22-12 at 9.12 AM #3
I think my bump is quite the perfect seat for her!

38 weeks belly (with Lucy in the background!)
Photo on 4-22-12 at 9.12 AM


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Cute! Why does it look like that must hurt? :) You don't seem to be getting any bigger...maybe he has dropped low and makes you carry so small? I can't wait for that call so we can jump in the van and come meet him!

Mimi and Papa said...

Uncle Jay Jay is home and said he is so excited for baby Eddie. We are ready to jump in the car and head to Columbus. Wonder if Jay would stay behind to help. :)

Jenny and Jon said...

Jackson just said "that's your fat belly"...he means it in a NICE way though, he told me I had a fat belly like 101 times before SB was born. Then he said "is Anneliese in there"....clearly he is confused about his cousins!! Good luck, you are LUCKy to be this much dilated, I never was at the point I went into the hospital so this is good news and a sign of good things to come hopefully soon!!