Sunday, August 29, 2010

First Week of School!

Lucy's first week of school and my first week back to school both went well. The week definitely had its UP'S and DOWN'S, but overall it was a good week. I think it was harder on me that it was on Lucy!

Monday I had to be to Granville really early for the district-wide Welcome Meeting! Normally we leave the house at 7:30 and Lucy is able to wake up on her own. But on Monday Denny had to wake her up and get her dressed before her normal wake time. As you can see, Lucy was very tired and slept in the car ride to school.

This was a hard day for me but I was able to sneak out of work by 3:00 and greet Lucy early at school!
She was happily playing with all the new toys and shrieked in excitement when she saw me!

Everyday when I arrive at Little Village to pick Lucy up at 4:00pm she is playing with a toy or taking a nap. I have yet to arrive to any tears. I have also not had to leave with her in tears yet(I am dreading that day). Debbie holds her and plays with her as I leave and Lucy doesn't notice me slip away. Her teachers, Debbie and Melissa, both report that she is adjusting well and the only trouble she is having is taking regular naps. She is not use to the noise and being put to sleep by others. Wednesday was a really ROUGH nap day but by Friday she took 3 naps, one for over 1.5 hours! She is eating well for them-loving her bottles, LOVING eating veggies at lunch, and "trying" fruit after her morning bottle. All in all, it is going well. I am still taking it one day at a time and my heart literally ACHES for Lucy throughout my work day :( I am ready for that feeling to go away....but I think it is here to stay!

In other news, Lucy is still loving food. Her very favorite so far are PEAS! She loves most veggies - green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, etc but does not like fruit as much. She also is not very fond of oatmeal. Here is Lucy enjoying carrots during dinner one evening last week!
She is one HAPPY baby!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

All Good Things...

..Come To An End!

Unfortunately, today ends my maternity leave with Lucy! It is hard to believe this time with my baby is ending. I hope I will always remember how fortunate I was to spend over six months with Lucy before official returning back to work. She is almost 7 months old and a very active baby. She loves to sit up and play with her toys. She enjoys watching other babies. She loves to kiss/slobber on her Mommy and Daddy's face. She still loves to nurse and it calms her at all times. She is a cuddly baby and loves to be held and rocked. She is a smiling, happy baby who is beginning to laugh more frequently.

She is our perfect baby girl! Who has grown so much since the day she was born.

Ready, Set....GO! Tomorrow is my first "official" day back to school and it begins with district breakfast/meeting at the high school. Then we have the rest of the day to work in our classrooms and lunch is provided by the local Methodist church. Tuesday brings a staff meeting in our building and more time in our classrooms. Tuesday evening is Open House from 5:00-6:00pm. So Denny will head to Granville from work to pick up Lucy early because we don't want her to be at Little Village until that late. Then Wednesday THE STUDENTS START SCHOOL! Wish us luck this week...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Where'd You Get Your Toes From?"

Baby where’d you get your toes from?
Tell me where’d you get your toes from.
Baby where’d you get your toes from?
Tell me where’d you get your toes from.
I got it from my mama.
I got it from my mama.
I got it from my mama.
I got it got it got got it…


Will.I.Am says it best in his song "I Got It From My Mama"---hahha...and I love everything about each and every tiny toe!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Josephine, the Elephant!

Today was Lucy's first full day at Little Village (ugh!). Denny kindly offered to take the day off and help me in my classroom! (I think he realized how much I had to do and how stressed I was getting...) We got SO much done and I'm feeling so much better about the start of the school year now. Who knew having a husband with amazing handwriting would be so helpful! He had all my name tags done in minutes :)

On our way to pick up Lucy, we stopped at the new baby store, Tickleberry Moon, in Granville to get a gift for Denny's new boss that is about to have her second baby. After picking out a cute onesie and rattle as a gift, Denny called me over to a basket of adorable handknit animals. They were TO DIE FOR! We looked through each and everyone and laughed at all the cute details. The owner walked over and named each one to us. (She knew each animals' name by heart - HA!) When she held up the cute ballerina elephant named "JOSEPHINE"...I knew we were sold! Gosh, we are suckers!

"Look Mom and Dad, she's just my size!"

"And she tastes reallllly good!"

"Yummm....her ear is even better!"

"I love my new friend, Josie the elephant!"

A Few of My Favorites!

Here are a few of our very favorite shots from Lucy's 6 month photo shoot with Shannon!

I love how Shannon grouped these together!

Oh, the many faces of L!

I printed ALL of the pictures and put them into an album. I can't wait to share them with everyone in person!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

First Day!

Well, we survived! I knew Lucy was going to be okay but I wasn't so sure about me! This morning I took Lucy to Little Village Academy for her first day. We decided to have her go the first few days from 8:00-12:00 to get adjusted slowly.

This morning Denny and I were up at 6:45 am showering, getting ready, packing the car, and getting Lucy ready. We were both out of the house by 7:40(10 minutes later than I had hoped) and heading to school. I stayed with Lucy for 30 minutes, helping her adjust to the new setting and babies. She happily played with the new toys and a little boy, Peyton, came over and cuddled right up next to her! She wasn't so sure about this but went on playing with her toy! HA!

As I walked out, my eyes welled up with tears, but luckily in just 2 minutes I was pulling into my school parking lot. I got a lot accomplished this morning to prepare for the start of school, but obviously worried about Lucy the entire time I was away from her. I even called at 10:15, and they reported that she had finished her first bottle and was napping! Success....I was feeling better and could get some things done before leaving to pick er up at noon!

All in all, it was a great first day. Tomorrow brings day 2..let's hope all goes well again.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sneak Peek!!!

We got Lucy's 6 month portraits back from Shannon today!

Here is a little sneak peek to hold you over until I have a chance to upload all of them!

Shannon's work is just amazing and I have to admit the subject is pretty cute too! And if you were wondering, YES, that little tongue is out in many of the pictures :) Oh, Lucy!

Friday, August 13, 2010

How's That "To Do List "Coming?!?1

I'm checking on the "To Do List" I created a month ago. Next week is my last FULL week of summer :( Lucy and I are going to spend some time organizing my classroom, taking supplies to her "school", and enjoying each and every moment together! I also hope to conquer the things on my list not yet completed...

Items in BOLD need to be completed! And I'm feeling pretty good because most things I've already done!!!

1. Take Lucy to the pool at least one more time.
2. Attend Breastfeeding group to get advice on breastfeeding/pumping/returning to work!
3. Go through Lucy's dresser and closet to put away clothes she has out grown :( and get out 6 month outfits :)
4. Pump, pump, pump...I want to get my milk storage built up!
5. Garage sale for fall and winter outfits...Lucy's wardrobe just about ends after 6 month size.
6. Have Shannon take Lucy's 6 month photos!
7. Get my haircut. Eyebrows done....hmmm, maybe even a whole spa day! (What do you think Denny?) :)
8. Schedule an eye doctor appointment for me and Lucy.
9. Complete and turn in Lucy's paperwork to register her for Little Village Academy!.
10. Lucy's 6 month checkup with Dr. Kern on August 11th.
11. Go on a date with Denny! :) (maybe 2?!?)
12. Meet Baby Warren! (We hope you arrive soon!)
13. Spend time with Jon, Jenny, and Jackson during this visit to Toledo!
14. Enjoy a little family vacation time during Denny's days off the first week of August!
15. Continue to work on Lucy taking naps not in my arms. And transition to crib naps.
16. Buy Inchbug bottle labels
17. Organize, label, and count to make sure we have enough bottles for child care.
18. Enjoy each and every minute with my baby!
19. Other ideas?!?!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Date Night!

This past weekend while we were in Perrysburg, Denny and I had a DATE NIGHT! This was just our second date since having Lucy in February. It was really nice to reconnect and spend sometime just focused on each other. First, we went to Levis Commons Cinemas to see "Inception." Surprisingly, I actually enjoyed the movie and not so surprising, Denny loved it! Then, we we to Rosie's Italian Grill for dinner. The food was amazing, the glass of wine was such a treat, and the company was even better :) We sat at a small table on their outdoor patio, by a waterfall, and enjoyed a leisurely paced meal together. You won't be surprised to know that the conversation centered around Lucy the entire evening! :) By the end of the meal, I was missing her and ready to go home even though I knew she was in good hands.

Mimi and Papa kindly offered to watch Lucy while we went out. They were joined by Julia, Craig, Ellie, Anneliese, and Jay and Callie! Lucy is lucky to have such a loving family. They took some pictures with Lucy during the evening. She drank 1 bottle, went on a walk, and ate a whole jar of prunes! She loves her cousins :)

Lucy loves her Mimi!

Aunt Julia is a pro with bottles!

Uncle Craig with Lucy...or who I like to call the "baby whisperer!" He is so good with babies!

Also, while we were in Perrysburg Lucy and I did some garage saleing! Julia and Annelise decided to join us! As Julia stepped out of the car I laughed because we were wearing the EXACT same outfit! We both got the skirt on sale at Target and didn't know we each had it!

Then Denny arrives with Lucy to join us for lunch with Gigi and ANNELIESE AND LUCY ARE WEARING THE SAME OUTFIT! Too funny :)
(Look at the thighs on those girls! Love it!)

*Thanks to Grandma O'B for the cute matching yellow rompers for the girls!

Happy Birthday, Papa!

Today is Papa's Birthday!

We are wishing you a great day! Lucy loves you so much and thinks you are the best Papa in the WORLD! (Also, a great place to nap!)

xoxoxo to you today!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Lucy is.....6 MONTHS OLD!

*****Check below for Lucy's 6 months stats updated!!! We went to the doctor this morning!

Happy 1/2 Birthday Lucy Josephine!

The past 6 months have gone by so fast! It is hard to believe that the first year of Lucy's life is already half over. I couldn't have imagined how much our lives would change having a baby, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. The simpliest smile, laugh, coo, or gaze into my eyes can brighten my entire day.

Lucy has grown from a 6 lbs. 2 oz. newborn to a 14 lbs. active 6 month old!

Look at the progression here from 1 month to 6 months!

Weight: 13 lbs. 14 oz. (15%) - She's our little petite baby!
Height: 25 1/2 in. (25%)
Head: 16 1/2 in. (50%)
(Lucy also got 2 shots and one vaccine in her mouth - ouch!)

-She is a pro at rolling over, both ways, either direction, and loves to play on her tummy
-She is getting REALLY good at sitting up! She can even pull herself up into the sitting postion from laying down
-She is starting to attempt to "scoot!" She puts her head down when on her tummy and pushes forward with her legs
-She is wearing size 3-6 month clothes and some 6 month and still fits in a size 2 diaper
-She is exclusively breastfeed (Woo-hoo for Mommy, too!)
-She is enjoying the introduction to baby food!
-She is still not sleeping through the night and on average nurses 2 or 3 times (I can't imagine what it will be like to sleep an entire night after not for 6 whole months!)
-She is a great napper!
-She loves to smile when Daddy comes home from work
-She will giggle like crazy if you blow raspberries on her belly
-She loves to be held...

She loves her:
-Mimi, Papa, Grandma, Grandpa, cousins, and all her Aunts and Uncles!
-sitting up and playing with toys
-sucking on her toys
-grabbing Daddy's hair when he lifts her up
-being outside
-rides in the stroller
-baby food, especially prunes :)

Happy 6 Months LJE!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Meeting Baby Gracie!

Denny, Lucy, and I were lucky enough to meet sweet baby Grace this past week.

She is just so teeny, tiny! (It is sad that we so quickly forget how small a newborn is.)

Stacy looked great! And the new parents kindly hosted everyone for a Tony Packo's dinner! It was a blast spending time with the new Warren family :)

Three generations of Ehrmins!!!

Lucy also enjoyed the visit!

She loves her Aunt Emily...
and her Grandma...

Here are some candid shots of the sweet baby girl...

Gracie, We love you so much already!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Welcome, Grace Jo Warren!

On August 2nd, Kevin and Stacy welcomed their baby into the world!

Grace Jo Warren, weighing just over 7 lbs, is the sweetest, tiny newborn!
She has sweet, soft newborn hair on top of her head and I've heard she also has big hands and feet! I'm sure she is the cutest little baby girl!

Uncle Denny, Aunt Frances, and cousin Lucy can't wait to meet her in person!

Stacy, you are going to be the best Mom! We are so excited for you!

Grandpa Gary and Grandma Dee were so excited to meet their second grandbaby! 2010 has been quite the year!

Kevin and Stacy - Congratulations! Enjoy every second with your newborn and just take it one day at a time. Gracie will be sitting up and laughing before you know it! We love you!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Approaching the big 6 MONTHS!

I thought it would be fun to compare Lucy to her Mommy and Daddy when we were babies. We are so thankful that we have baby books to look all of this up in! (Thanks Mimi and Grandma Dee!)

Rolling Over:
Lucy - 5 months
Frances - 3 months
Denny - 4 months

Sitting Up:
Lucy - 5 1/2 months
Frances - 7 months
Denny - 6 months

Lucy - no yet!
Frances - 8 months
Denny - 7 months

First Tooth:
Lucy - no yet!
Frances - 7 1/2 months
Denny - 6 months (oh-oh...I wonder if Lucy's are coming in?)

Stood Alone:
Lucy - not yet!
Frances - 10 months
Denny - 10 months

Lucy - not yet!
Frances - 12 months
Denny - 12 months

First Word:
Lucy - none yet!
Frances - "Da, Da, Da"
Denny - "popcorn" (really?...I've never known this to be a first word- ha!)

Baby Warren!

It is August 2nd and I think today will bring the arrival of Baby Warren! Say a prayer for Stacy and Kevin today. I got a text this AM that the induction will start soon this morning.

Stacy and Kevin - We love you and are so excited to meet your beautiful baby!


At 1:00pm Stacy was 9 cm! Looks like we are going to have a baby today :)