Friday, February 12, 2010

Lucy's friends visit!

Thursday evening Lucy had a visit with her friends :) Laura and Canon were very eager to meet baby Lucy! They were so kind to make the trek through the snow, after 2 snow days, and bring us three dinners and delicious homemade double chocolate chip cookies! Lucy loved her new friends and can't wait to play with them again!
Laura, yes she's real! HAHA!

Future Redhawk --- just like Laura and Mommy?!?!


Canon and Laura said...

as you can see by my face, i didn't know that something could be this teeny and still so perfect!! We were so blessed to be able to spend time with the amazing parents and your beautiful child. We love you!!! (And it was Canon's first time holding a baby... I think he is practicing!!)

Mimi and Papa said...

What fun you will have with babies and playgroups! It is such a special time to watch the children play and grow. My playgroup still hangs out and our babies - the ones we formed the group for- turned 30 this year. Wow! xo
Hi to Laura and Canon!!!!!!!

Jenny and Jon said...

Maybe Lucy will be a future Redhawk Harrison scholar.....she has smarts in her genes!!! I am jealous that I don't get to hold her for so long:(

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Smooches on Valentine's Weekend to the newest Valentine girl! :) xoxo