Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Burrows visit!

This past weekend we had more visitors! Lucy loved being spoiled by her aunt, uncle, and cousin Elisabeth! We all enjoyed listening to Ellie's sweet little voice. She is so curious and interested in everything around her and just a joy to be around! I can't wait for the day that Lucy can express herself like Elisabeth!
Ellie saying to Julia, "Mommy, she's too heavy!" HAHA!

Julia and Craig bought us a delicious dinner and lunch. Made a homemade breakfast and helped clean/organize Lucy's things. We all enjoyed a lazy Saturday morning!

Julia and I also ventured out for Lucy's FIRST outing! We went to Babies R Us and Destination Maternity to do some exchanges. Lucy loves her car seat and is perfectly happy, as long as the car is moving! It was a feeling of success getting these errands accomplished with a happy 2 week old baby. We kept her hidden in her car seat so she wouldn't be exposed to the cold or germs!

We loved our visitors and Lucy hopes you will come again soon to hold her!


Mimi and Papa said...

That must have been a wonderful weekend...your first outing, help with meals and organization and just plain fun with Elle. :)
I just love the picture of Elle holding baby Lucy. xo

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Great pictures! Thanks for sharing...we loved the visit as much as you enjoyed having us. We promise to make visits frequent in this first year, unless of course we can convince you to come home and see us! :) I'm hoping for plenty playdates when we're both on maternity leave with new babies!

Emily said...

I can't wait to hold Lucy this weekend! I can't say it enough, Lucy takes the cake for being the cutest little girl