Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mimi visits...

Mimi has been here to help the past three days! We have had lots of fun and she has been a huge, huge, HUGE help. I'll do a post soon to share our adventures together.

But in the meantime…here are a few pictures of our baby!

Look at those eyes…I wonder what color they will be?!?
Do you think my pacifier is big enough?!? I'm starting to love it!
"I love my hands!"


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Beautiful. Adorable. Scrumptious. Perfect. I can't seem to find the right word, but I'm loving every single picture that you share. I'm also so happy that you go to have Cinderella aka Mimi at your house for the last few days. There is nothing more helpful for a postpartum mother, then a helpful grandmother in the kitchen! Oh, and that pacifier...ridiculously cute! :)

Mimi and Papa said...

Cinderella is cleaning and cooking while the princesses are napping. :) It has been so much fun helping - I even shoveled snow off the deck - 12 inches of snow. Currently, I am planning the Mardi Gras dinner for tonight. Denny will be home as OSU cancelled classes today. Yay!
Papa is on his way ....