Friday, February 12, 2010

….a lazy Friday

We had a relaxing, lazy Friday with our 6 day old baby girl. Nestled in our warm house, with over 12 inches of snow outside, we spent the day cuddling and playing with Lucy.

Enjoy a few shots of LJE!

"yawwwwwnnnnn…..Mom and Dad I liked this day!"


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Ohh, I like the lime green onesie with the lime green from her carseat (or is that her stroller?). I hope the weather turns to spring very soon, because she'll love to go on walks in her stroller. (P.S. Easter is April 4th, that's coming soon!)

Mimi and Papa said...

You don't need the professional photographer at all! These shots are wonderful. xoxo

Jenny and Jon said...

SO CUTE! I have been WITHOUT INTERNET ALL WEEKEND,and am now at a starbucks this Monday morning post-president's day workout and had to sneak on line to see sweet Lucy!!! She is adorable and take a thousand pictures, they will never be enough:) The cuteness makes you forget yow tired you are, etc.