Cinderella, I mean Mimi, stayed with us last week for 3 days! I can not think of anything that a new mommy could want anymore than Mimi in town. She cleaned, cooked, did laundry, organized Lucy things, let me nap, loved every inch of her granddaughter,planned craft time, and even woke up in the middle of the night to soothe Lucy! She earned the nickname of "Cinderella" after just one day here when Denny and I were greeted in the kitchen with delicious homemade meals and a clean kitchen.
Lucy loved her first Craft Time with her Mimi! We framed her foot and handprints which required using dark black ink on precious newborn skin :(
Can you see the leftover ink on her hands?
Papa brought Mimi and came back days later to pick her up. He spent time with Lucy each trip! Lucy sure loves her Mimi and Papa!
Thank you Mimi for being the best Mom, Grandmother, Mother-In-Law, and Cinderella that anyone could ever ask for! We love you so much! Lucy wishes she could spend time with you everyday!
Cinderella had a wonderful three days - my only wish is that I would have taken a little time to do my hair and makeup before the pictures. Poor Mimi looks more like Attila the Hun. :)
All new mommies need a little extra help and a little extra time to sleep. xo
Yay for Cinderella! I'm sure you were a very grateful Mommy, much unlike poor Cinderella's mean stepsisters! You have been showered with such wonderful visitors...all in the name of that perfect bundle of yours. I miss her so much already. The picture of her sitting up in that white gown is precious!
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