2 days old...

(I am going to try my best to take weekly shots of Eddie to capture his first year. I did this with Lucy and adore the pictures. Now let's see if I can keep up with it?!?)
Happy 1 Week to Eddie!

Our little baby boy is 1 week old. Our first week together has been wonderful. You are a calm, sleepy, happy baby and love being held and snuggled. You sleep most of the day and night (yay!) and are very happy when awake.
We went Dr. Kern for a check-up when you were 5 days old and you surpassed your birth weight!!!
On May 9th:
Weight = 6 lbs and 10 oz.
Length = 20 1/2 inches
Head = 13 1/2 inches
I love your "newborn noises" so much! You make the sweetest little squeals and squeaks!
You are learning to love your pacifier and do really well with it. You can't always keep it in yourself but when you have it you are very happy.
You love bath time! Even if it is just sponge baths so far - your favorite part is the warm water on your head. You close your eyes and calm down when the warm water is poured on you. It is so sweet!
We love you Eddie and can't believe you are already 1 week old!