Saturday, March 5, 2011

I'm Back!

January and February seem to have passed by without me even realizing it! I've made a new dedication to the blog because I hate for these months to go by without photos and stories of our ever-changing Lucy. I hope soon to print this blog and someday Lucy will be able to look at it and see how happy she made her Mom and Dad.

February is a special month in our house! Not only do we get to celebrate Lucy's birthday but also MINE! :) Last weekend Denny and I traveled to Cincinnati for his high school friend, Andy's wedding. We had a great getaway together and didn't have to worry a minute because Lucy was well cared for by Grandma and Grandpa Ehrmin. They went to a syrup making event, went to the shopping at Easton, and played, played, and played some more! (Gary and Dee we really appreciate you giving of your time and whole weekend to watch Lucy.)

On Sunday we celebrated my birthday! We went to Nordstrom Cafe for lunch and then back for cake and ice cream!
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As you can see, Lucy still LOVES cakes! HA!

Happy 27th!
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As long as the cake was out of sight Lucy didn't mind the frosting!
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"Maybe cakes aren't that bad?!?"
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I love my new dutch oven!
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And Lucy still loves the snowglobe (Thank you Jon and Jenny!)
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She also likes to explore our bedroom. Drawers are a new obsession!
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"Look what I found!"
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Oh Miss Lucy, Mommy and Daddy love you so much! You are the happiest little girl.
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(Mommy also loves the little hairclips that Megan puts in your hair at her house. Your hair is growing each day.)


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

It's all about the accessories. Between the hair clips, PediPeds and tutu skirts, she's one rocking chicka!

Jenny and Jon said...

I never posted back on my blog about this, but I did get my two blog books that I had published, they came out AWESOME, I believe was the website, through a company called shared book. They are the size of an NDA yearbook, hardbound, you can pick the cover and import photos for the front and back cover and the blog prints well with all color photos, it is an amazing keepsake to have. Jack loves to look at ours and see himself as a baby!!

Mimi and Papa said...

You really must print these blogs and make them a permanent book! It is so much fun to have the information and after all the work it would be awful for them just to hang out in cyberspace. :) Can't wait to see your books, Jenny.