Sunday, February 27, 2011


Lucy loves her new babysitter, Megan. But she loves Megan's 3-year old daughter, Aubrey EVEN MORE! Everyday when we get to their house Lucy looks around to locate Aubrey, and then runs to hug Aubrey.

Aubrey calls her "Lucy Baby" and the feelings of love are mutual. Megan has sent me pictures from her cell phone over the past month. I cherish these pictures during my workday. It is so wonderful to know she is in such good hands during the day.

Here is "Lucy Baby" and Aubrey on Valentine's Day!

I love the sheer happiness on Lucy's face in this picture. I also love their matching Valentine's Day shirts and how "Princess Aubrey" is dressed for the occasion. She can be found most days of the week in some type of princess outfit :)

Here Lucy is playing in their playroom with a favorite toy.

And here's a serious shot of our girl. Man, those eyes are blue!


Mimi and Papa said...

Where is the birthday post! Frances, you can't hide are 27 years old today. xo

Heather said...

that picture of lucy and aubrey is so sweet. i'm glad your new babysitter is working out for you frances!