Thursday, March 10, 2011

Peas, Megan, Spoiled, and Boys!

We've been horrible lately taking pictures of Lucy but here a few randons from our small camera...

With Megan_110214_0001
Yes, someone still loves her some PEAS :)

Megan captured a few shots of Lucy this week playing in their family room! Her little yellow dress got us all ready for Spring.
With Megan_110307_0005
With Megan_110307_0006
(Poor little thing has a runny nose and chapped cheeks! She is also ready for winter to be over.)

This is where Lucy got to sleep when Grandma and Grandpa babysat...spoiled?!?
With Megan_110226_0004

Just hangin' with MY BOYS!
With Megan_110309_0008
Trevor(left) had two friends over after school this week and I found Lucy having a snack "with" them after school. She was happy as a clam to be part of the group!


Jenny and Jon said...

Those pictures are adorable!!! They make me so excited to have a baby in our house again this spring:) I love her little shoes, but the picture with the boys is my favorite!!! So glad you found a better option for childcare for her.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I think I love Megan and I've never met her. Wait, I love Gary even more...what an awesome Grandpa he is!!! Lucy is definitely spoiled, good title! Happy Weekending!

gary said...

As far as who was being spoiled, I think it was me, not Lucy. I loved to nap with our babies and to get a chance to nap with my Grandbabies, it really doesn't get better than that. So thank you Lucy for spoiling your Grandpa Ehrmin.