Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Break!

Lucy and I are having a blast during our week together. We've gone shopping, to a playdate, and played, played played!

Now we are preparing for our trip to Nashville to visit Katie! We are leaving this evening and returning Sunday afternoon. We plan to visit the Nashville Zoo, eat out A LOT, meet Katie's family, and see the town with Katie. We are excited and so needing this VACATION! It will be very nice to have a little break from the daily grind...

Until we're back I'll leave you with this happy girl...
March 26 weekend_110320_0011

Lucy now likes to smile and press her 6 toofers together :)
March 26 weekend_110320_0010

Catch Ya Later!
March 26 weekend_110320_0001


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Have fun!

Jenny and Jon said...

where did all those teeth come from??!! I feel like you just reported that the first one popped through! Have a safe and fun trip!!

Melanie said...

Lucy, you are too cute. I can't wait to give you a squeeze at Easter time.