Monday, March 7, 2011

Ready for Spring!

We are so ready for the flowers to start to peek through the cold ground, the buds to appear on the trees, and the warm sunshine to return to the sky! I can't wait to play outside with Lucy this spring. She loves to walk around our neighborhood on all the sidewalks...this isn't a fast pace but more of a "stop to smell the roses" pace where she stops to investigate everything she sees! Spring will bring lots of outside playtime for our family and we are SO ready for it.

Spring also brings the Lenten season. I am eager for this to start this week with Fat Tuesday tomorrow and Ash Wednesday starting Lent. I have big plans for a 40 Bags in 40 Days purge of our house. I want to greet spring with a junk free and clean house!

Spring also brings EASTER! This is one of my favorite holidays because it is such a beautiful time of year. This past weekend we went to an adorable shop in Columbus and I just couldn't resist getting Lucy a handmade Easter dress.
I couldn't find an exact picture of the dress, but it is VERY similar to this!

Lottie Da is the cutest baby shop full of beddings, clothing, toys, and accessories.
Lucy was in heaven and ran from one toy basket to another! Denny and I followed behind her picking up all the toys she left along her way :)

We had a wonderful FIRST Easter as a family of 3 last year.

Lucy was real eager to meet the Easter Bunny last year - ha! We'll see what happens this year...

Lucy was a chubby, happy baby last Easter!
It is hard to believe she will be celebrating her second Easter this year. We can't wait for spring to come!

1 comment:

Mimi and Papa said...

That big Easter Bunny might scare Lucy this year! I can't wait to see her dress and let's hope it is nice and warm for our Easter this year. We can have an egg hunt if the snow ever melts.