Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Aunt Julia! And fun with COUSINS!

Happy Birthday, Julia! We had so much fun celebrating with you this weekend.
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Lucy loved playing with her cousin, Annliese-y and even more fun chasing her biggest cousin, Ellie around Mimi and Papa's house!
Lucy pretty much thinks Ellie is the COOLEST!

Lucy is lucky to have cousins on both sides of the family to play with in Perrysburg. Grace also had fun with us this weekend...

"I hope you don't mind if I play that piano?"
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Lucy ran off, so Gracie finally got her turn! :)
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The JUMPEROO is always a favorite!
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Lucy was totally fascinated watching Grace jump...
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Lucy still clings to her Mommy and Daddy and is a bit timid around others. Both things we think are just fine. Sometimes she prefers to check things out from a distance.
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And we'll take all the snuggles we can get. Especially right after a nap. Because we know soon enough she will be even more of a busy-body toddler.
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But it doesn't take too long for Lucy to warm up. And then she's ready to smile and play!
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Lucy loves to jump up and down with Daddy!
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We had a blast visiting with everyone in Perrysburg this weekend! We are glad to be back home and Lucy and I are enjoying a whole week together because this is my Spring Break week! We are off to Nashville later this week to visit my dear friend, Katie! We are excited for a little family vacation together!


Jenny and Jon said...

the pictures are cute, hope you have a good trip and a great spring break!!!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Thanks for the fun! Wow, Gracie, you're looking so big and so beautiful these days! :)

Mimi and Papa said...

Babies babies everywhere! Such cute pictures...send some to snapfish please. :)