Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today was such a beautiful day! Spring is finally here. It was 70 and sunny this afternoon. We so needed this great day!

We all dressed in green to celebrate the St. Patrick's Day holiday. I snapped a few pictures this morning when dropping Lucy off at Megan's house. Every morning Lucy runs into their family room to find Aubrey (who normally has just crawled out of bed) yet she ALWAYS greets Lucy with a big smile and hug. Lucy also looks to find Trevor, a third grader, who she greatly admires!

I captured the love this morning :)
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Lucy also LOVES Megan. She is the best caregiver I could have asked for. We are very lucky.
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"Frances, Lucy's getting away!" Aubrey shouted! :)
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Lucy loves to run around their house. She likes to run up and down the long hallway...
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She also likes to look out the window and watch Trevor get on the big, yellow bus.
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We wish you a Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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1 comment:

Mimi and Papa said...

I am so happy that Lucy loves Megan's house and that she feels so comfortable. TGIF. yay! for spring.