Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day #2!

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Mom and Dad are both home with me again today!

We are so enjoying all this time together as a family. What a blessing this cold, nasty winter weather has been for us! We've just hunkered down in our house and felt lucky to have heat and power. There are currently over 50,000 Columbus residents without power right now! YIKES!

We've read LOTS of books...
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Lucy's favorite thing to do is pick them out...
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"I wonder if I could read this book all by myself?"
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We've eaten lots of good, home-cooked meals! Right now homemade chicken noodle soup is in the crock pot and homemade rolls are rising on the counter for dinner! Lucy's chubby cheeks are proof of all that good food :)
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We've done lots of laundry..."Hey Mom, have you checked my laundry hamper yet?"
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Lucy continues to take really good naps. [This has just fallen right into place since she has started at Megan's house. She is now consistently taking a 1-2 hour morning nap and a 2-3 hour afternoon nap! AMEN!]

I snapped these pictures minutes after she woke up from a 3 hour nap session...
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And most of all we've enjoyed looking out our windows to watch all the snow fall from the sky from the warmth of our house.
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"Brrrr, it looks COLD out there!"
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Lucy you've brought a whole new level of happiness to Snow Days! I LOVED them before but now I love them even more because I get to spend them with YOU!
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Mimi and Papa said...

I looked online this am and sure enough, Granville also closed. Check out the Big 8 conference on Feb. 23...I am for sure presenting to the districts on teacher evaluating. It is the Big 8 and Granville conference, I hear. I think I am spending the night Feb. 22 and more details on that to follow.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

That first picture is awesome! Tongue, blue eyes, teeth...she's got personality!