Thursday, February 17, 2011

I Can..

1. Clap my hands when Mommy says "CLAP!"
2. Wave "Hi" and Bye"
3. Cluck my tongue on the roof of my mouth
4. Sign "more" and "all done"
5. Give big, wet kisses when Daddy says "kiss!"
6. Kick the soccer ball all the way across the family room
7. Play Peek A Boo!
8. dance whenever I hear a good song
9....amaze my parents everyday with my newest skill :)


Mimi and Papa said...

Go Lucy!

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Hmmmm...I bet her Daddy is getting excited about the soccer kicks. We have "little kicker" soccer that starts at 18 months around here. I wonder if Lucy will be an early soccer standout? :)