Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Snow Day...

...well we should really call it an "Ice Day!"
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5:30 this morning I got the automated call from our superintendant notifying us that Granville Schools were CLOSED today! Denny kindly rolled his eyes at me and went right back to bed. I laid in bed awake, my heart racing with excitement, thinking about what Lucy and I could do today together! Then about an hour later, Denny learned that Nationwide also had a 2-hour delay! After Lucy slept in(yay!), we enjoyed pancakes together while we had a rare, slow-paced weekday morning together.

We have about 2 inches of snow on the ground and all the trees are covered in ice! It is beautiful outside!
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No grilling today.
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Stepping on the patio to take this picture was NOT a good idea...
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...back inside to spend the day with my baby!

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