This picture captures just who she is right now. Happy, drooling, beautiful, and cheerful baby girl! (Oh, and looking away because she is obsessed with her Daddy!)
Look at that hair coming in!!!!
We tried our monthly photoshoot in her crib and she did pretty well!
She kindly held the sign and even sat still for sometime.
She had a slight obsession with the sign this month!
New stats:
Bedtime: 7:30ish
Wake Up Time: 6:00-7:00am (We cherish the days it is 7:30am!)
Bath: everyday at 7:00ish
Naps: LUCY IS ON A NAP SCHEDULE! With the help of her new babysitter, Megan, Lucy now takes two naps a day. Around 9:00 for 30-60 minutes and around 1:00 for 2-3 hours! AMEN!
Bottles: Total of 4 bottles a day. (about 5 oz. each.)
Food: solids at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She is still eating mostly Stage 2 foods and some Stage 3 foods. Although many Stage 3 foods have meat in them and she HATES those! Her favorites are Applesauce and Peas. She still LOVES YoBaby whole milk yogurt and eats it at least once a day. She prefers the fruit flavors not veggie. Lucy eats dinner with us almost every night and has begun to eat what we have. She is loving table foods and last night downed a whole bowl of spaghetti and meat sauce! YUM! She also has become obsessed with snacks like goldfish, crackers, and graham sticks.
Firsts: running! Lucy has learned to walk VERY fast, climb the stairs, and open and shut doors. She also has a minor obsession with doors. Lucy now reads books to herself! She will find a board book, sit down, and hum as she turns the pages. It melts my teacher-heart! :)
Favorite Toys: things with buttons, tupperware, the stairs, doors, maracas, her drum, books, cell phones, and the iPad!
"Ok Mom, I"M DONE!"
Lucy had her 1 year check-up with Dr. Kern this morning. It's a few weeks past her birthday but I knew I had this day off so scheduled the appointment for today. Daddy joined us and Lucy did great! She enjoyed showing off for Dr. Kern. Although when it came time for shots she gave Dr. Kern her big ol' crocidile tears :(
Weight: 18 lbs. 11oz. (15%)
Height: 28 1/2 in. (25%)
Head: 18 in. (90%) The nurse commented this is common when a baby learns to walk early! I'd like to think she is going to be really smart...haha!
Here are Lucy's stats at 9 months-
Weight: 13 lbs. 14 oz. (15%)
Height: 25 1/2 in. (25%)
Head: 16 1/2 in. (50%)
Mommy and Daddy love you and your growing personality!
She's a beautiful one-year-old! Enjoy your day off with Lucy! Happy President's Day! :)
I never realized what a peanut Lucy is and what a monster Stella is!! Stella's 6 month old stats are almost the same as Lucy's 1 year stats! How crazy.
Mimi thinks Lucy will be very smart...and she already is! I love how she can scroll through an iPad to find information. :)
Please post your stats at 1 year - Frances and Denny. Our little Frances was also a peanut.
She is so tiny, but mighty!! It is funny to see someone so small walk, but she does it well!! She has the same sleep schedule Jackson was on, it is so funny, very typical of her age though.
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