Thursday, June 17, 2010

Packing for Vacation!

Lucy and I are having a great Thursday! By 10:00 a.m. Lucy had taken her morning nap, I had washed the sheets, finished 2 loads of laundry, and we were on our way to the mall! After shopping, we were back home to pack for the lake! Lucy napped on the bed while I packed :)

Then she enjoyed some tummy time!Photobucket

Look how strong she is getting!Photobucket

Check me out!Photobucket

Then she posed for some pictures!PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

We will be back in a week or so with pictures from the lake! BYE for now!

1 comment:

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Best new pictures! Gosh, she's a beauty! (And just like you're the Mommy and totally biased, I'm the Auntie and probably TWICE as biased...but she IS!!!!) Lucy, we can't wait to have ONE WHOLE WEEK to enjoy you! xoxoxo