Monday, June 14, 2010

18 Weeks Old!

Saturday was an exciting day for our family! Lucy turned 18 weeks old and Denny graduated from The Ohio State University with his MBA!

We are so proud of him.Photobucket

The Ehrmin's were all in town to celebrate with us and we had a lot of fun together!

I baked some OSU cookies for the day!

OSU's president Gordon Gee even joined in the celebration! HAHA! (Although Lucy wasn't so sure about him!)

After graduation, we surprised Denny at Bar Louie to watch the World Cup with some friends!

Lucy was a little trooper the entire day!

She napped throughout the afternoon!

But also prepared to graduate someday! :)

You won't be surprised to know Denny had a good time!


Lucy is proud of her Daddy! And also thrilled he is finished with night classes! :)

At 4 1/2 Months Lucy Loves:
-smiling all the time and drooling! :)
-sitting up with some help
-standing up holding your hands
-chewing on her favorite burp cloths
-grabbing her toys - especially her favorite octopus!
-playing in her bath
-stroller rides
-being carried in the Baby Bjorn or ring sling
-playing on her new Boppy Tummy Time mat!
-jumping in her jumperoo!

-car rides are still not a favorite!
-sleeping through the night! (Now that Lucy is SO alert during the day she makes up for her missed feedings at night, because during the day she'd rather talk to me or flash her smile then actively eat! I have read this is very normal for active 4 month olds but it has taken some time to adjust to being up more at night.)


Mimi and Papa said...

Denny - you are now an MBA Buckeye...dream come true! We are sooooooooooooooooo proud!!!
The video is wonderful. thanks!
and Frances, how could you bake cookies without me. They look great...and yummy. Freeze leftovers and bring the the lake. Maybe you need to make some Maize and Blue ones for Jay. xomomma

Jenny and Jon said...

Great photos, we now have two brother in laws with post under graduate degrees from OSU, GO BUCKS:)

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Love this post! Love the cookies! Love the polka-dot dress on Luce (Is that how you spell without the -ee part?). Congratulations, Denny!!!!!!!!!