Monday, June 7, 2010

Jay's Graduation Party!

This past weekend we were in Perrysburg for Jay's graduation party! Mimi did a wonderful job planning for this party and it went off without a hitch! It was a gorgeous day and luckily the bad storms from the night before didn't reappear.

It was so nice to see Aunt Bee and Barb!

The food was WONDERFUL and the ice cream machine was a HIT! Our older neighbor's, the Wiley's, literally stood next to the machine for 30 minutes refilling their cups. Every time I walked by they would say in unison, "This is so good!" HAHA!

Lucy and Anneliese joined in the fun. Lucy managed to catch 3 naps during the party! She is such a happy baby!

Jay is off to Michigan in the fall and I'm so excited for him!


Mimi and Papa said...

Great pictures to capture the highlights of the graduation party. All the In-laws, friends, playgroup and family showed up to celebrate with Jay. The kids played badmitten, cornhole and Rattle Rail....good food, good friends and good times. Thanks to all who came and thanks to those who made food. Yay.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Love the pictures. I laughed at Craig opening his mouth for the ice cream. He told me that night, "Don't ever let me talk you into an ice cream machine. I'd be so fat. That was SO GOOD." Ha. P.S. Lucy is a very good little girl!