Some of her favorite things to do now-a-days include:
-kicking and splashing in her bath (video to come soon!)
-sitting up holding your hands
-playing in her exersaucer
-jumping in her jumperoo (video to come soon!)
-grabbing her toys
-and as always, sucking on her wipey dipey!
-showing off her cute smile!
Lucy still doesn't enjoy:
-car rides, unless she's sleeping
-laying down when should would rather sit or stand up!
4 months also meant another doctor's appointment! Dr. Kern said Lucy is a healthy growing girl and said she is meeting all the 4 month milestones! She was rewarded with an oral vaccine and two shots…..OUCH!
After the initial scream and crying :(, Lucy is now feeling great! She truly is happy and smiling baby! I love you Lucy!
Ouch! good thing Lucy has those plump thighs to handle the vaccinations. :) xo
oh my goodnes lucy, you are SO CUTE!!!
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