Last night around 9:00 p.m. Lucy fell asleep in my arms nursing. By 9:30 p.m. she was sound asleep! Normally I put her in the co-sleeper next to our bed as I get ready for bed, etc. But I still needed to make the bed, wrap gifts, put away laundry, etc in our room. So…..I tried putting Lucy in her crib. We put her favorite "Sleep Sheep" in her crib, laid her all swaddled on her favorite burp cloth and…...she continued to sleep!
She successfully slept in her own crib from 10:00 p.m. - 3:50 a.m.! When she awoke to nurse. Do you think I slept peacefully the entire time?!? NO! I checked in on her 3 times and had an awful nightmare about Lucy being sick. It was such a bad dream that I had trouble falling back asleep! (Oh the joys of Motherhood - hehe!)
After nursing at 4:00 a.m. Lucy slept peacefully in the co-sleeper for another few hours!
How To Propagate Succulents
2 weeks ago
you have just got to bite the bullet and turn up the monitor:) HAHA, I talk like I have experience, I'm a liar...Jack did not sleep consistently in his crib at night until 6 months, he preferred the swing which we had in our room, ha!!
Nice job! The only problem is that she slept peacefully starting at 10pm, but you probably putzed around in your room and didn't go to sleep until much later! :)
Let me tell you that the worries of motherhood only get bigger when your children grow up...and then you worry about grandchildren. Oh the joys...
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