…I wanted to remind you what it was like to have a newborn!
Lucy is now waking up every 2 - 3 hours at night to nurse! I've looked into reasons this could be happening and I think I've figured it out. Lucy is going through a growth spurt and is a distracted nurser during the day. This is something that can occur around 4 months of age when the baby becomes more aware of their surroundings. For example, instead of nursing for a good 5-8 minutes straight, like she was doing a month ago, she will nurse for 1-2 minutes and then pause to flash me her smile, look at the person who is talking across the room, look at the TV, or even talk to me for a little bit. Then she will proceed to nurse another 1-2 minutes and decide she is done for now! HAHA! Oh Luce!
I also weighed her yesterday at Breastfeeding group and she weighs 12 lbs. and 5 oz.!!! She is is definitely growing!
So last night we did our normal evening routine. A walk around 7:30, bath around 8:00, then Daddy read to Lucy while I pumped (we are trying to do a bottle every few days), then I rocked her to sleep. Around 9:45 she began to walk and I gave her a bottle in her co-sleeper. After finishing her bottle she proceeded to kick and smile but then shocked us both as she fell asleep ON HER OWN! (this is a first!!!!!) The night feedings were: 12:30 and 3:30 and 5:30 and 7:30! And the up for the day at 8:30 a.m. with the brightest smile ever!
I'm just trying to enjoy every moment of Luce and not get to caught up in the new change in her sleep pattern! :)
How To Propagate Succulents
2 weeks ago
1 comment:
who needs sleep anyway...way overrated. haha. We will have a wonderful time at the lake and mimi and papa will take a night for you so you can sleep. That would be heaven. xo
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