Thursday, June 3, 2010


PHEW! I made it through my 3 weeks back to work and now it's time for my summer to begin. Going back to work wasn't easy. It was so hard to leave Lucy, lug my big pump to work each day, take every free minute at work to pump, etc. But having Denny, then Grandma Dee, then Mimi, and finally Therese watching Lucy made it so much easier! I never had to worry about her one minute!

Thank you so much for everyone's help when I went back to work. Today was my students last day and tomorrow I'll go in to check out and then it's officially SUMMER V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N!

Lucy loved spending time with her Grandmas! I think her favorite thing was bath time….she is quite the kicker now. Mimi suggested we move her bath into the tub so she can kick freely and now she is a WILD WOMAN! :)


She also loved napping on her Grandma and Mimi!

Lucy loves her Grandma and Mimi! :) Thank you so much for helping us out these past few weeks!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Miss and LOVE you all! I really like the pictures at the top of the blog. Kisses, Aunt Kate