Thursday, February 25, 2010

A day in the life of LJE...

*Here's a play by play of Lucy's day. I thought this would be fun to look back on down the road!

10:30 pm - Dad takes me upstairs and rocks me to sleep in the glider
11:00 pm - I sleep in bed next to Mommy
12:40 am - nurse and diaper change then back to sleep
2:20 am - nurse and diaper change then back to sleep
4:30 am - nurse and diaper change then back to sleep
6:20 am - nurse and diaper change then back to sleep
8:15 am - nurse and diaper change and then Mommy and I played in bed
9:55 am - nurse and Mommy rocked me to sleep in the glider
10:15 am - Mommy put me in my swing for a little nap
11:15 am - I woke up and proceeded to dirty 3 diapers in a row!
11:45 am - Tummy time and practiced with a pacifier
12:30 pm - nurse and diaper change and Mommy rocked me to sleep
12:45 pm - Mommy put me in my swing for a little nap
1:40 pm - I woke up and Mommy rocked me back to sleep
2:00 pm - I slept on Mommy while she watched "Julie and Julia"
3:15 pm - nurse and diaper change
3:30 pm - Daddy got home early from work
4:00 pm - I'm wide awake and playing with Mommy and Daddy!
5:00 pm - nurse and diaper change
5:30 pm - Napping with Daddy on the couch
7:15 pm - nurse and diaper change
7:30 pm - bath time and change into warm jammies
8:00 pm - Mommy rocked me to sleep in the glider

Diaper changes in 24 hours = 15 times (wow!!!)
Nursing in 24 hours = 10 times

Rocking out in her swing :)

Go Bucks!

Look at that sweet little face…

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Burrows visit!

This past weekend we had more visitors! Lucy loved being spoiled by her aunt, uncle, and cousin Elisabeth! We all enjoyed listening to Ellie's sweet little voice. She is so curious and interested in everything around her and just a joy to be around! I can't wait for the day that Lucy can express herself like Elisabeth!
Ellie saying to Julia, "Mommy, she's too heavy!" HAHA!

Julia and Craig bought us a delicious dinner and lunch. Made a homemade breakfast and helped clean/organize Lucy's things. We all enjoyed a lazy Saturday morning!

Julia and I also ventured out for Lucy's FIRST outing! We went to Babies R Us and Destination Maternity to do some exchanges. Lucy loves her car seat and is perfectly happy, as long as the car is moving! It was a feeling of success getting these errands accomplished with a happy 2 week old baby. We kept her hidden in her car seat so she wouldn't be exposed to the cold or germs!

We loved our visitors and Lucy hopes you will come again soon to hold her!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Two Weeks Old!

-looking at the ceiling fan in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom
-listening to my cousin Ellie's sweet, little voice…I loved their visit!
-eating, eating, eating….I weighed 7 pounds and 1 ounce on Thursday!
-warm baths!…my umbilical cord feel off on Saturday! YAY!
-white noise….I just love the Sleep Sheep that Aunt Jenny bought me
-photo shoots…I smiled and was wide awake during the entire shoot with Shannon
-taking 2-3 hour naps during the day
-getting my sharp nails filed
-my first outing….I went to Babies R Us and Destination Maternity with Mommy and Aunt Julia!
-my car seat
-tummy time
-yawning (Mommy thinks my yawns are really cute!)

-sleeping in my co-sleeper...I still prefer sleeping with my Mommy!
-sitting still….if you are holding me I like it best when you bounce/sway with me!
-getting my dirty diaper changed…especially when I have to be cleaned all the way up my back and tummy! YUCK
-Daddy's BRIGHT flash

Cinderella comes to town...

Cinderella, I mean Mimi, stayed with us last week for 3 days! I can not think of anything that a new mommy could want anymore than Mimi in town. She cleaned, cooked, did laundry, organized Lucy things, let me nap, loved every inch of her granddaughter,planned craft time, and even woke up in the middle of the night to soothe Lucy! She earned the nickname of "Cinderella" after just one day here when Denny and I were greeted in the kitchen with delicious homemade meals and a clean kitchen.
Lucy loved her first Craft Time with her Mimi! We framed her foot and handprints which required using dark black ink on precious newborn skin :(
Can you see the leftover ink on her hands?
Papa brought Mimi and came back days later to pick her up. He spent time with Lucy each trip! Lucy sure loves her Mimi and Papa!

Thank you Mimi for being the best Mom, Grandmother, Mother-In-Law, and Cinderella that anyone could ever ask for! We love you so much! Lucy wishes she could spend time with you everyday!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Newborn home visit!

Today we had our Newborn Home Visit from the "Help Me Grow Program!" I was so happy to see the nurse at the door was the same nurse that gave us our tour at Mt.Carmel East. She is the friendliest and most patient woman. We sat on the couch and chatted about being a new Mommy, breastfeeding, diapering, emotions, sleeping, routines, etc for over an hour!

The most exciting moment during the appointment was Lucy being weighed. Any guesses on her weight?


She weighed 7 pounds and 1 ounce! She gained one pound in less than 2 weeks! We are just thrilled :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One Week Old!

PhotobucketSaturday, February 13th Lucy was ONE WEEK OLD! I can't believe our little baby has been in this world for a week. Time goes so fast and she is growing and changing every single day. In this past week we are taking time to adjust to our new princess and her wants and needs. One cannot describe the amount a love a new mother and father have for their infant…it is such an intense level of emotion that it can't be put into words.

***Each week I am going to try to post a picture of Miss Lucy in her crib so we can document her growth. I also hope to record some special things about her from that week so we will never forgot these special moments.***

-snuggling on my Daddy's chest
-cuddling in bed with Mommy after nursing
-Kiddopotamus Swaddle blanket
-taking long, 3 hour naps during the day
-looking all around, checking things out, when I'm awake
-bouncing in my Daddy's arms when I'm restless
-nursing around the clock(every 2 hours during the day and every 3 hours at night)

-sleeping for more than 2 hours at night
-sleeping around the hours of 4:30-6:00 a.m.
-getting my diaper changed and watch out, Mommy - If you try to change my diaper in the middle of the night I may just poop across the room (literally..hahah!)
-getting cold during my sponge baths (I can't wait for my first "real" bath!)
-sleeping in my co-sleeper! (I much prefer sleeping on my Mommy's chest or in her arms!)
-stamping my hand and footprints with dark black ink during "Craft Time" with Mimi and Mommy….hahah

And for the final dislike….
-I do NOT like being laid in my crib alone!

More visitors!

On Saturday Lucy had more friends come to visit! Joe and Shannon brought us a delicious lunch, absolutely amazing brownies from SUGARDADDY'S, and spent time with our baby. The Sano's have 3 children so they were pros with this newborn stuff!


Check out the brownies…they were delicious!

We are also very, very, VERY excited for this Thursday evening! Shannon, who is an extremely talented photograher, will be taking Lucy's newborn photos. Shannon, we can't wait to see your beautiful work!

Check out her great website and blog to see her amazing work!

Lucy's 1st Valentine's Day!

Sunday, February 14th we celebrated our first and best Valentine's Day with our baby girl. This day also brought us some special visitors! Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Stacy visited us this Valentine's Day! Grandma Dee bought Lucy the most adorable newborn V-Day outfit...Lucy loved it! THANKS!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Mimi visits...

Mimi has been here to help the past three days! We have had lots of fun and she has been a huge, huge, HUGE help. I'll do a post soon to share our adventures together.

But in the meantime…here are a few pictures of our baby!

Look at those eyes…I wonder what color they will be?!?
Do you think my pacifier is big enough?!? I'm starting to love it!
"I love my hands!"

Friday, February 12, 2010

My new favorite pictures :)

The cuteness of these pictures speak for themselves…



I think I might have to frame these for Lucy's nursery!

….a lazy Friday

We had a relaxing, lazy Friday with our 6 day old baby girl. Nestled in our warm house, with over 12 inches of snow outside, we spent the day cuddling and playing with Lucy.

Enjoy a few shots of LJE!

"yawwwwwnnnnn…..Mom and Dad I liked this day!"

Lucy's friends visit!

Thursday evening Lucy had a visit with her friends :) Laura and Canon were very eager to meet baby Lucy! They were so kind to make the trek through the snow, after 2 snow days, and bring us three dinners and delicious homemade double chocolate chip cookies! Lucy loved her new friends and can't wait to play with them again!
Laura, yes she's real! HAHA!

Future Redhawk --- just like Laura and Mommy?!?!