Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Break!

Lucy and I are having a blast during our week together. We've gone shopping, to a playdate, and played, played played!

Now we are preparing for our trip to Nashville to visit Katie! We are leaving this evening and returning Sunday afternoon. We plan to visit the Nashville Zoo, eat out A LOT, meet Katie's family, and see the town with Katie. We are excited and so needing this VACATION! It will be very nice to have a little break from the daily grind...

Until we're back I'll leave you with this happy girl...
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Lucy now likes to smile and press her 6 toofers together :)
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Catch Ya Later!
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Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Birthday, Aunt Julia! And fun with COUSINS!

Happy Birthday, Julia! We had so much fun celebrating with you this weekend.
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Lucy loved playing with her cousin, Annliese-y and even more fun chasing her biggest cousin, Ellie around Mimi and Papa's house!
Lucy pretty much thinks Ellie is the COOLEST!

Lucy is lucky to have cousins on both sides of the family to play with in Perrysburg. Grace also had fun with us this weekend...

"I hope you don't mind if I play that piano?"
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Lucy ran off, so Gracie finally got her turn! :)
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The JUMPEROO is always a favorite!
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Lucy was totally fascinated watching Grace jump...
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Lucy still clings to her Mommy and Daddy and is a bit timid around others. Both things we think are just fine. Sometimes she prefers to check things out from a distance.
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And we'll take all the snuggles we can get. Especially right after a nap. Because we know soon enough she will be even more of a busy-body toddler.
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But it doesn't take too long for Lucy to warm up. And then she's ready to smile and play!
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Lucy loves to jump up and down with Daddy!
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We had a blast visiting with everyone in Perrysburg this weekend! We are glad to be back home and Lucy and I are enjoying a whole week together because this is my Spring Break week! We are off to Nashville later this week to visit my dear friend, Katie! We are excited for a little family vacation together!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Wear My Sunglasses...

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"Check out my new gold shoes and rockin' shades!"

"My mom is pretty much obsessed with me."
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"But really can you blame her, I mean, check out these sweet new shoes..."
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"You wish you had a pair, right?"
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STRIKE A POSE---heel pop! :)
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Oh Miss L! We had such a great weekend with you. Out to dinner with Laura, Canon, and the Sanos. Breakfast together. Playing. Playing. Playing. Reading. Watching "Signing Time." And playing some more. We adore you and enjoy every minute we have together.
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You've officially stolen our hearts forever.
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We love your spunky, fiesty-side!
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We also love your gentle, loving-side!
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On Saturday, after you woke up from your morning nap, you greeted me with your usual giant smile! I picked you up and hugged you and I said "I love you!" just as I always do. And for the first time you hugged me back. Not just a baby snuggle like you've done for months, by a two armed squeeze. You leaned your face onto mine, and wrapped your arms around me. I literally died, right there and then. I wished to freeze that second to stay there with you forever! You amaze me everyday as continue to show your love for everyone around you!

Happy Spring Weekend! Can't wait for the week to come.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Today was such a beautiful day! Spring is finally here. It was 70 and sunny this afternoon. We so needed this great day!

We all dressed in green to celebrate the St. Patrick's Day holiday. I snapped a few pictures this morning when dropping Lucy off at Megan's house. Every morning Lucy runs into their family room to find Aubrey (who normally has just crawled out of bed) yet she ALWAYS greets Lucy with a big smile and hug. Lucy also looks to find Trevor, a third grader, who she greatly admires!

I captured the love this morning :)
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St. Patrick's Day_110316_0001

Lucy also LOVES Megan. She is the best caregiver I could have asked for. We are very lucky.
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"Frances, Lucy's getting away!" Aubrey shouted! :)
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Lucy loves to run around their house. She likes to run up and down the long hallway...
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She also likes to look out the window and watch Trevor get on the big, yellow bus.
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We wish you a Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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Sunday, March 13, 2011

13 Months Old!

On March 6th, Lucy turned 13 months old!
13 Months old_110311_0058

Lucy loves being silly. One of her favorite games is to play on the couch. She likes to lay back on the pillows and laugh!
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(Check out that smile!)

She watches for our reaction and then smiles...
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Sometimes we have to rescue her because she is a little TOO adventurous!
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"What's this?"
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"Oh, I see. It says 13 Months!"
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(Obviously, she is already reading. HA!)
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She still is obsessed with her Daddy.
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Our Lucy is getting so big. She likes to play independently now. She still loves to "read" books on her own. Humming as she turns the pages. Her light brown hair is growing more and more each day. (Perfect for bows!) She loves to play, walk, climb, run, laugh, and do whatever her Daddy is doing! She likes to carry thing around the house. Preferably, two. One in each hand.
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13 Months old_110311_0035

I don't know how I feel about this picture. Seriously, when did this happen? She is getting so big. That look on her face is just too much. "What Mom, you want another picture?"
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Not too much has changed since 12 months. Most notable would be her little personality growing each day. She likes to laugh with us and and enjoys being silly.

Here are her stats:
Bedtime: 7:30ish (Most nights is is sound asleep by 7:30. We do bath, lotion/pjs, bottle, brush her teeth, and lay her down. She is doing very well with his routine.)

Wake Up Time: 5:30-7:00. When she wakes up she joins us in bed with her morning bottle and if we are lucky will fall back asleep on my pillow with me for a little bit.

Bath: everyday at 7:00ish

Naps: 2x/day for a total of 2 hours/day 9:15ish and a 1:15ish nap. Her afternoon nap is around 2-3 hours.

Bottles: She currently drinks 4 bottles a day. 1 morning bottle, 2 at Megan's, and 1 bottle before bed. She still loves her bottles!

Food: solids at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. She continues with Stage 2 foods. Her favorites are Bananas, Apple, and Pears. YoBaby yogurt is still a fav. - she likes the banana and blueberry flavors. She still is loving finger foods but sometimes refuses her old favorites like puffs and cheerios. She is moving on to more exciting things like meatballs, pancakes, chicken, and pretzels. Whatever her Dad is eating, Lucy wants to be eating. She loves to snack on pretzel sticks with him when he gets home from work while I'm cooking dinner :)

Favorite Toys: She is really starting to gravitate towards certain toys. She loves her drum, small cups and balls, still loves to dance with her musical table, and loves to carry things around. Her newest fun is carrying her pink purse or purple picnic basket all around.

Firsts: signing "eat" and "all done." We also moved her crib to the lowest level and she's doing great with it. This month she got to ride in her BIG GIRL carseat for the first time too! She loves it. On long trips, she even gets to watch shows on the iPad! Lucy also has shown her first "attitude" this month. We were out to eat, Denny took away a crayon that she was trying to eat and boy, oh boy did she show him. HA! Lip out, tears flowing and sobbed. I had to take her out of her highchair to calm her down. Are we in for trouble or what?

Happy 13 Months Lucy Josephine! Mommy and Daddy love you so much.
13 Months old_110311_0047

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Peas, Megan, Spoiled, and Boys!

We've been horrible lately taking pictures of Lucy but here a few randons from our small camera...

With Megan_110214_0001
Yes, someone still loves her some PEAS :)

Megan captured a few shots of Lucy this week playing in their family room! Her little yellow dress got us all ready for Spring.
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With Megan_110307_0006
(Poor little thing has a runny nose and chapped cheeks! She is also ready for winter to be over.)

This is where Lucy got to sleep when Grandma and Grandpa babysat...spoiled?!?
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Just hangin' with MY BOYS!
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Trevor(left) had two friends over after school this week and I found Lucy having a snack "with" them after school. She was happy as a clam to be part of the group!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ready for Spring!

We are so ready for the flowers to start to peek through the cold ground, the buds to appear on the trees, and the warm sunshine to return to the sky! I can't wait to play outside with Lucy this spring. She loves to walk around our neighborhood on all the sidewalks...this isn't a fast pace but more of a "stop to smell the roses" pace where she stops to investigate everything she sees! Spring will bring lots of outside playtime for our family and we are SO ready for it.

Spring also brings the Lenten season. I am eager for this to start this week with Fat Tuesday tomorrow and Ash Wednesday starting Lent. I have big plans for a 40 Bags in 40 Days purge of our house. I want to greet spring with a junk free and clean house!

Spring also brings EASTER! This is one of my favorite holidays because it is such a beautiful time of year. This past weekend we went to an adorable shop in Columbus and I just couldn't resist getting Lucy a handmade Easter dress.
I couldn't find an exact picture of the dress, but it is VERY similar to this!

Lottie Da is the cutest baby shop full of beddings, clothing, toys, and accessories.
Lucy was in heaven and ran from one toy basket to another! Denny and I followed behind her picking up all the toys she left along her way :)

We had a wonderful FIRST Easter as a family of 3 last year.

Lucy was real eager to meet the Easter Bunny last year - ha! We'll see what happens this year...

Lucy was a chubby, happy baby last Easter!
It is hard to believe she will be celebrating her second Easter this year. We can't wait for spring to come!