Sunday, September 26, 2010

Harrison Rally Days!

This past weekend we were in Perrysburg for Stacy and Ellie's birthday celebration! In addition to a wonderful dinner out with the Warren's and Ehrmin's and a super 3rd birthday party for Ellie, we also went to Harrison Rally Days Saturday morning.

The day started out cool and we all enjoyed wearing sweaters and pants. Although, it quickly warmed up and by noon it was sunny and warm!

Lucy napped on the car ride and then stroller ride to uptown....

...but she quickly perked up and was ready to watch her FIRST parade!

I loved seeing her watch all the excitement!

Mimi and Papa also joined us for the fun!

If you didn't know, Lucy is quite the "Papa's girl!" Just like her Mommy was as a young girl!

Ellie LOVED the parade and brings so much joy to every situation!

Here she is modeling with "Miss Buckeye 2010" trading card!
*Please note the HIP POP! LOVE IT! Do we have a future Miss Buckeye State on our hands? :)

Anneliese also loved watching all the firetrucks, cars, and people march by.

Best of all, cousin love!

Ellie just can't get enough of her cousin!

How could I forget? The Way Public Library librarians put on quite a show. They had music and a choreographed dance!


Mimi and Papa said...

Yay! What a fun morning for us. xo

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Funny posting with beautiful babies...and toddlers. Boy that hip pop is hilarious, ain't it? :) Just wait a few years, your cheeseball is certain to have a few idiosyncrasies of her own!