Lucy is also started to sleep better! Can I get an, AMEN! :) AMEN!
Here's our weekly schedule:
6:30am - Lucy stirs in bed and begins to "talk." Denny brings Lucy to our bed and I nurse/cuddle with her!
6:45 - Denny showers
7:00 - I shower (Lucy plays in our room while Denny gets ready)
7:15 - Denny and Lucy play downstairs while he makes coffee/breakfast/etc
7:20 - I play with Lucy/have breakfast/pack school bags and diaper bag
7:30 - We leave for Granville and Denny leaves for downtown
8:00 - drop Lucy off at Little Village (I normally stay for 10 minutes or so to play!)
8:15 - arrive at school
3:45pm - leave school to pick up Lucy!
4:30 - arrive at home and PLAY/make dinner and nurse Lucy
5:30-6:00pm - Denny arrives home to a happy, smiling baby!
6:00 - We have dinner and L eats too!
7:00 - Denny gives L a bath
7:15 - lotion, pjs, book and I nurse Lucy to sleep in the rocking chair
7:30pm - lay Lucy in her crib with her favorite muslin blanket
7:30 - clean up from dinner, wash bottles, make bottles for tomorrow, clean breast pump parts, pack lunches, etc, etc
8:30 - relax a bit with Denny! (tv, blog, e-mail, etc)
9:30 - bed/tv...we are normally asleep by 10:00
*Lucy finally sleeps through the WHOLE night without any feedings! She usually stirs and fusses 1 time during the night but within minutes puts herself right back to sleep!
And this is our current schedule with our active, busy, and very mobile almost 8-month-old! :)
Amen. :)
8 months is the trick...this is exactly when I got a bit of my life back and started to feel human again with a full night of sleep! Jackson slept through the night from 8 months on and was only up at night after that point if he was sick or something was really wrong. Now when he wakes up he calls "hellooooo" into the monitor (he has figured it out), usually around 7:30 or so.
You left Mimi at 750am and at 430 pm for entertainment while I drive to and from work.
I can't wait for your first "school delay" and you will understand why I used to pray in front of the weather forecast on TV when there was a chance. haha
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