As you lay next to me napping, I pray...
I never forget the way you point your finger when you are tired.
I never forget your sweet, baby breath.
I never forget the first time I saw your tooth at Dawes.
I never forget the cheesy, head titled back, big-ol' smile you love to give me.
I never forget the dimples on your hand.
I never forget the rolls on your arms and legs.
I never forget the way you look into my eyes when you nurse.
I never forget the first time you said, "ba-ba-ba-ba-ba."
I never forget your perfect, pink lips.
I never forget your teeny, tiny ears.
I never forget your beautiful blue eyes.
I never forget the nights you slept on my chest all night long as a newborn.
I never forget the way you play with my "Lucy" necklace.
I never forget the way you smile at your Dad when he gets home from work.
I never forget the first time you rolled over.
I never forget each, and every moment I am blessed to spend with you.
I love you so much Lucy and I feel so lucky to watch you explore the world around you.
How To Propagate Succulents
2 weeks ago
Beautiful. And let me tell you that even in three short years, I've forgotten so many of those things about Elisabeth. The only way I can remember? Photos and videos. You'll never regret having hundreds to enjoy. Also, it's so important that you are able to sit back and simply savor those moments, smell her sweet baby head, squeeze those adorable cheeks, gaze into the baby blues and just know that all is right with the world. :) Motherhood is the best!
Motherhood - and now Grandmotherhood is the best! I beg to remember those details about my four beautiful babies and it is hard....I am reliving those scents, sounds and feelings with my grandchildre. xoxo
It is sad that you won't remember it all, but that is why we write it down:) There is no love like the love you will feel for your child, and no one can describe it, you just have to experience it!!
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