Sunday, September 19, 2010

Meeting Melanie!

Lucy has been looking forward to meeting Melanie for months! We met at Starbucks early on a Sunday morning for the big event. Lucy charmed Melanie with her smile and also a few of her famous "shrieks!" (If you haven't had a chance to hear it, let me tell you that Lucy now has found her voice! HA! She shrieks a HIGH pitched scream and then smiles in delight! While we think it is pretty cute we try not to laugh and encourage her!)

It was so nice to see Melanie! She lives in LA and we miss her A LOT!

xoxoxo to Mel and Zack!


Mimi and Papa said...

Melanie, you are a natural with babies...just the way you are holding Lucy..and so comfortable. We are so happy that you were able to meet Lucy this visit. Miss you.

Melanie said...

Miss Lucy,
meeting you was worth the wait! You met up to my every expectation of just how adorable you'd be. Thank you for sharing your beautiful gummy smile, your adorable belly laugh, and your excited joyous shrieks, oh yes and that loving drool filled kiss. You are the cutest and I can't wait to see you again soon.

Mimi, thank you. I'm so happy to have met her as well. You are so blessed to have 4 of the most adorable babes around to call your grandchildren.