Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Playdate with Emma!

Lucy and Emma had another playdate on Monday! Megan was in town and it was great to see her! The girls played at our house for the morning and then we went to Cheesecake Factory for lunch followed by some shopping at Easton! Both girls were well behaved (yay!) and allowed us to browse through Crate and Barrel and babyGap!

We tried to take pictures of Lucy and Emma together. It isn't easy when neither baby can sit up on their own :)
Lucy, don't look at Megan…Look at Mommy!

Getting them both to look at the camera was nearly impossible…..but we tried!

Emma loved Lucy and wanted to "play" with her! HAHA!Photobucket
"Just a little bit closer Mom and I think I could reach her!"Photobucket

Megan - thank you for thinking of us while you were in town. We can't wait for your next visit!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Love the girls poses...amazing how quickly Lucy has caught up to Emma in her growth. You and Megan must have had so much fun! (P.S. I can't wait to see these stylin' divas again, they are always dressed so cute!)

Jenny and Jon said...

i LOVE that I visited your blog to see ONE beautiful girl and I got to see TWO:)

Mimi and Papa said...

Check out jennifer mott for ideas to prop up babies who can't yet sit. She has amazing ideas. Cute baby girls hanging out...xo