It is also a very special day for the very best Mom in the world!
(Okay, I have to admit it….we do look alike :) )
I hope someday my daughter, Lucy, will think of me as I think of you. I could not ask for a better Mother! Your love for life, your ever-flowing energy, your generosity, and your love for your children is absolutely admirable.
I appreciate everything about you! From the big things: paying for my college, supporting me as I grew into a young woman and then a new Mom, always being there for me in good times and not so good times. To the small things: our daily phone calls, the time you take to always read and comment on my blog, treating me to something special every time we go to Target :), the cards you send in the mail "just because."
I know that when God created "Mothers" he had you in mind. You fulfill the role beautifully and are a role model for the Mother I hope to be to Lucy someday. Thank you for always being there for me!
I love you!
Why am I crying? Ha! Beautiful posting...I cry because you write about my experience, too. Aren't we the luckiest daughters alive? Mimi, you rock! We love you!
Oh it is 9:52 pm and I decided to see if you shared Lucy's pictures...and now I am sobbing at the keyboard. What a lucky mother I am to have four children who have grown into wonderful adults...and who give me some credit for their success. I am the luckiest mother alive. xo
What a beautiful Mother's day message to your Mother.Wouldn't expect anything else from a beautiful granddaughter.G O'B
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