Now we come upstairs to the bedroom around 8:00 pm and Lucy gets a bath. Then after holding my warm little bundle in a towel (this is my favorite part!), she gets a lotion massage. With her warm pj's on, we play and read on our bed together! Then I nurse and rock her to sleep.
This new routine is getting Lucy to sleep a few hours earlier than normal and she seems to be doing well with the extra sleep. Surprisingly, she is also sleeping in later now too! This morning she woke up at 7:30 am, I nursed her, and she slept in until 8:50 am! WOW! What a treat for a Mommy and Daddy on their week off!
Here are some pictures from bath time tonight!
I LOVE to kick my legs and splish, splash! (And yes, I'm learning to blow raspberries!)
Mommy likes to make me laugh!
I'm not crazy about water on my head…
Now for Mommy's favorite part…..holding her warm baby after her bath!
Check me out playing on the bed! I'm loving sitting up now-a-days!
Great routine and great way to get yourself in a good schedule before work. Around here we say that "more sleep leads to more sleep!" Early down means sleeping in, it's such a treat!
There is nothing sweeter than a freshly bathed baby in footie pjs. I love the pictues. xo
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