My first week back to work couldn't have gone any better. The kids were thrilled to see me! ("Mrs. Ehrmin, I could not even sleep last night I was so excited you were coming back today!") My sub, Therese, didn't miss a beat and my students, my classroom, and my plans were all prepared for my return. To top it off we had assemblies, field day, etc this week, which made for a quick week!
Here's some of the Field Day fun!
Who didn't LOVE parachute?!?!
Mrs. Krebehenne, Mr. Rogers, and Mrs. Ehrmin :)
Good ol' Field Day!
But my biggest worry of all was missing my Lucy! Let's just say driving to work wasn't easy but once the school day started I would feel better. I knew she was in good hands! Lucy did just great with her Daddy and I am pretty sure she didn't even realize I was gone :)
Each day Denny would text me with updates. Here are a few I received his week: "Just took a 75 min nap!", 'She just pooped again! Oh My!", Hi Mommy! We're having fun!", "Another 3 oz. and first outfit change." She handled the bottle like a champ. Each day she had 3 bottles while I was at work and took 2-4 naps. Unfortunately, it rained most of the week so they were not able to go for walks so they spent most of the week hanging out together in the house! Denny wisely chose not to take her on car trips alone because he did not want her to get upset! Overall, they had a wonderful week together and Lucy is becoming a little Daddy's girl now!
One thing I experienced this week that I had never before was the feeling you get when you come home after a long day at work and your baby smiles at you! WOW! Every evening, when I would walk in the door, Lucy would greet me with the biggest, sweetest smile. I loved spending my evenings with her and I think she would agree….she'd nurse for 30+ minutes throughout the entire evening and night…I think she was making up for lost time during the day :) She even decided to get up 1-2 more times in the night to nurse during the week!
I am thrilled it is finally weekend and I get to spend lots of time with my baby. Luckily, I only have 8 school days left and then my summer begins!!! YAY!
…looks like Monday I'll return to work with these hooligans for 2 more week! :)
Either you are born to teach or these kids would kill you! Ha. Funny how we both had that calling and knew we would be able to reach students in a special way. They crack me up. I am so proud of you.
I so should have been a teacher, WAY more time off and WAY more fun! I want to participate in field day too!!
Mrs. Krebehenne is happy to have you back, too :)
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