1. kicking my legs like crazy
2. smiling when you talk to me in a silly voice
3. my new night time routine…..8:00 pm starts bath, lotion massage, reading books, nurse, bed time!
4. sleeping in until 8:00 am! (Mommy loves this new change!)
5. spending this entire week with Mommy and Daddy!
6. spending next week with my Daddy!
7. spending the next week with Grandma Dee!
8. my baptism bib Mimi got me!
9. I love my aunties!
1. when my poop gets ALL OVER my car seat (ugh!)
2. Mommy going back to work next week! :(
3. riding in the car - If I'm not asleep, I'm not happy!
4. drinking from a bottle (I've got my Mommy worried!)
Oh, Miss Lucy, you are stunning in yellow! (Psst, tell your Mommy to stop sharing your dirty secrets, tee hee...) Frances, you'll be amazed at what Lucy will do when she's good and hungry and her Mommy is nowhere to be found! :) You'll make it through those few days of work and then summer begins!
Good luck and keep trying! Lucy will prefer to nurse but hopefully she won't give daddy too much trouble when she gets hungry.
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