Sunday, May 2, 2010

Here is our happy, smiling little 3 month old baby girl!



1. my blocked tear duct is gone! (It has been for a week or so but I think Mommy and Daddy just now noticed!
2. falling asleep in the Baby Bjorn!
3. napping on Daddy's chest while he watches TV
4. smiling and talking
5. laughing (this is a new trick for me!)
6. kicking my legs
7. controlling my hands…I'm loving this new skill
8. grabbing for things…Today I got ahold of a toy and it made a noise
9. my new exersaucer that Mommy found at a garage sale (pictures coming soon!)
10. getting my picture taken…I love to smile :)


1. I still do not like being in my carseat when the car isn't moving!
2. getting dressed after being in a warm bath
3. I do not like being overly tired….after an hour or so I need a nap, please!
4. sucking on a pacifier, booper, binkie….I don't care what you call it, I don't like it! :) (But for some reason Mom keeps trying!)
5. sleeping in past 8:00 am…This morning I played with Daddy so Mommy could sleep in. I think she enjoyed it!


Jenny and Jon said...

Miss Lucy has the best wardrobe EVER! I hope someday you have another baby girl to re-wear these beautiful outfits!! Don't stress if she does not like the paci...we have a paci addict here and it is going to be painful when we return from our trip in June and begin the process of breaking poor J. of it:( I remember LOVING our bouncy seat at this stage with J. If you don't have one, go get one, it will SAVE you. He would sit in it on a counter or on a table or you could put it on the floor since you don't have animals and grab for the hanging toys and it was just great if we needed to eat or if I wanted to shower, etc.

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

What a little charmer! (Yay for the resolved tear duct!!)