This weekend Lucy turned 4 months old! (This posting is a bit late due to me being back at work. Luckily tomorrow is my last day!) It is so hard to believe our baby has been part of our lives for a whole 16 weeks already. She is a busy little girl now-a-days and loves to be part of the action. Her daily schedule is becoming more routine and she is sleeping so well at night! :)
Another Day in the Life of LJE!
8:00 pm - bath time
8:30 - lotion massage, pjs, diaper, and nurse to sleep. ( It had been a long day so Lucy slept in bed with me while I "watched" TV!)
10:30 - nursed and then swaddled and laid in co-sleeper for the night
4:30 - began to wake so Mommy nursed me and I went right back to sleep
7:00 am - I am AWAKE and ready for the day. Played in bed with Mommy and Daddy!
7:45 - diaper change and nurse
8:00 - play with Daddy while Mommy gets another hour of sleep! (Thanks Denny!)
9:00 - short nap in the swing
9:30 - awake and ready to play
11:00 - nap on Mommy
11:45 - nurse (I went a whole 4 hours without eating!) and diaper change
12:00 - play on the bed while Mommy and Daddy shower and get ready for Brett and Kim's cookout
1:00 pm - off to Brett and Kim's - I fall asleep on the way over
2:00 - wake up after napping in my carseat at the cookout. Time to play and show off my SMILE!
3:00 - nurse and diaper change
4:15 - we leave the cookout and I fall asleep on the way home!
5:00 - wake up but Daddy rocks me back to sleep and I nap on the couch with him!
5:45 - nurse/diaper and play on Mommy and Daddy's bed while Mommy folds the laundry!
7:15 - fall asleep in Mommy's arms
8:00 - nurse, diaper, and awake waiting for MIMI to arrive!
8:45 - MIMI arrives!
9:00 - bath time!
Diaper changes in 24 hours = 8 times
Nursing in 24 hours = 7 times
We love your gummy smile!