Monday, May 31, 2010

4 Months Old!

This weekend Lucy turned 4 months old! (This posting is a bit late due to me being back at work. Luckily tomorrow is my last day!) It is so hard to believe our baby has been part of our lives for a whole 16 weeks already. She is a busy little girl now-a-days and loves to be part of the action. Her daily schedule is becoming more routine and she is sleeping so well at night! :)

Another Day in the Life of LJE!
8:00 pm - bath time
8:30 - lotion massage, pjs, diaper, and nurse to sleep. ( It had been a long day so Lucy slept in bed with me while I "watched" TV!)
10:30 - nursed and then swaddled and laid in co-sleeper for the night
4:30 - began to wake so Mommy nursed me and I went right back to sleep
7:00 am - I am AWAKE and ready for the day. Played in bed with Mommy and Daddy!
7:45 - diaper change and nurse
8:00 - play with Daddy while Mommy gets another hour of sleep! (Thanks Denny!)
9:00 - short nap in the swing
9:30 - awake and ready to play
11:00 - nap on Mommy
11:45 - nurse (I went a whole 4 hours without eating!) and diaper change
12:00 - play on the bed while Mommy and Daddy shower and get ready for Brett and Kim's cookout
1:00 pm - off to Brett and Kim's - I fall asleep on the way over
2:00 - wake up after napping in my carseat at the cookout. Time to play and show off my SMILE!
3:00 - nurse and diaper change
4:15 - we leave the cookout and I fall asleep on the way home!
5:00 - wake up but Daddy rocks me back to sleep and I nap on the couch with him!
5:45 - nurse/diaper and play on Mommy and Daddy's bed while Mommy folds the laundry!
7:15 - fall asleep in Mommy's arms
8:00 - nurse, diaper, and awake waiting for MIMI to arrive!
8:45 - MIMI arrives!
9:00 - bath time!

Diaper changes in 24 hours = 8 times
Nursing in 24 hours = 7 times

We love your gummy smile!

Lucy's First Time in the POOL!

We spent Memorial Day weekend in Perrysburg! Lucy had her very first trip to the pool on Saturday morning! Belmont Country Club opened for the season at 11:00 a.m. and we were there at opening to enjoy the beautiful weather! Mimi, Julia, Elisabeth, Anneliese, Lucy, and I piled into our cars (with more bags and strollers that you can imagine) and spent a few hours at the pool.

At first, Lucy decided to was more fun to nap in the shade with Mimi!

Then when she woke up she kicked in the water with Mommy and Aunt Julia! She seemed to love the water!

Ellie was a little fish the entire time and couldn't decide if the pool or playground was more fun…

We enjoyed lunch in the shade!

Anneliese slept in the shade almost the entire time! But I got one shot of her beautiful big eyes! :)

Lucy enjoyed the warm breeze in her stroller!
"Man, this IS the life!"

Lucy - I can't wait to take you to the pool again soon!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Happy Birthday, Jackson!!!


Your Uncle Denny, Aunt Frances, and cousin Lucy wish you a very happy, happy BIRTHDAY! We love you so much and cannot wait to celebrate with you in a few weeks!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

15 Weeks Old!

Today Lucy turned 15 weeks old. It is hard to believe our baby is almost 4 months old…. wow!

Lucy's newest tricks include:
-smiling ALL the time
-rolling to her side
-sitting up in her bumbo
-rolling over for the FIRST time this week!
-holding her head up like a pro

-kicking my legs in the bath (I like to see how much I can splash!)
-listening to books
-napping in my swing
-sleeping with my Sleep Sheep
-being swaddled tightly at night
-laughing and smiling when Mommy and Daddy are silly with me
-spending this week with Grandma Dee
-spending next week with Mimi
-starting summer with Mommy in 2 weeks - YAY!
-holding someone's hand and sitting up
"I'm getting good!"

-Mommy and Daddy going back to work this week :( (Daddy starts at Nationwide on Monday!)
-my car seat
-getting out of my warm bath

She Did It!!!

Friday evening I was playing with Lucy on a blanket in our family room. She was full of energy and in a great mood so I put her on her tummy. I laid down next to her and we were "talking!" Suddenly, she pushed her little arm and started to roll over. The first attempt didn't work but she didn't give up. She pushed again and kicked her legs over and VOILA!!!.....Lucy rolled over for the first time! :)

I screamed for Denny, who was in the kitchen, and we celebrated with her!!! Not yet 4 months old and she is rolling over!

You go LUCY!

Friday, May 21, 2010

1 Down...

…2 more to go!

My first week back to work couldn't have gone any better. The kids were thrilled to see me! ("Mrs. Ehrmin, I could not even sleep last night I was so excited you were coming back today!") My sub, Therese, didn't miss a beat and my students, my classroom, and my plans were all prepared for my return. To top it off we had assemblies, field day, etc this week, which made for a quick week!

Here's some of the Field Day fun!

Who didn't LOVE parachute?!?!
Mrs. Krebehenne, Mr. Rogers, and Mrs. Ehrmin :)
Good ol' Field Day!

But my biggest worry of all was missing my Lucy! Let's just say driving to work wasn't easy but once the school day started I would feel better. I knew she was in good hands! Lucy did just great with her Daddy and I am pretty sure she didn't even realize I was gone :)

Each day Denny would text me with updates. Here are a few I received his week: "Just took a 75 min nap!", 'She just pooped again! Oh My!", Hi Mommy! We're having fun!", "Another 3 oz. and first outfit change." She handled the bottle like a champ. Each day she had 3 bottles while I was at work and took 2-4 naps. Unfortunately, it rained most of the week so they were not able to go for walks so they spent most of the week hanging out together in the house! Denny wisely chose not to take her on car trips alone because he did not want her to get upset! Overall, they had a wonderful week together and Lucy is becoming a little Daddy's girl now!

One thing I experienced this week that I had never before was the feeling you get when you come home after a long day at work and your baby smiles at you! WOW! Every evening, when I would walk in the door, Lucy would greet me with the biggest, sweetest smile. I loved spending my evenings with her and I think she would agree….she'd nurse for 30+ minutes throughout the entire evening and night…I think she was making up for lost time during the day :) She even decided to get up 1-2 more times in the night to nurse during the week!

I am thrilled it is finally weekend and I get to spend lots of time with my baby. Luckily, I only have 8 school days left and then my summer begins!!! YAY!

…looks like Monday I'll return to work with these hooligans for 2 more week! :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I'm Hanging In There...

The first 3 days back to work have gone well! Denny and Lucy are doing great as well. Tomorrow is Field Day at my school and Lucy is going to visit! :)

Lucy checking out Daddy!

***Lucy is taking a bottle just fine three times during the day!!! :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Who Needs A Bath When... can take a SNOT SHOWER!

Lucy was laying on the couch next to me, just a smiling, kicking, and talking away. When suddenly she sneezed...the biggest sneeze, I've even seen come from a baby. This sneeze sent spit and snot almost 3 feet in the air(no joke!), spraying all over me and landing all over her face!

Oh Lucy, you are so lady-like! :)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

14 Weeks Old!

Miss Lucy is 3 1/2 Months old today!Photobucket

1. spending the week with Mommy and Daddy!
2. holding someone's hands so I can sit up
3. riding in my stroller without the car seat…yay!
4. laying on my back and kicking both of my legs up so high I lift my bottom in the air…sometimes I even like to balance in this position for awhile :)
5. my new nightly bath time…although I think Mom and Dad are getting worried because I splash ALOT!
6. my new outfits from Aunt Julia (keep garage saleing for me!)
7. my beautiful blue eyes…(still wondering if they'll change?!?)
8. napping on Daddy on the couch
9. going to Daddy's soccer games….I slept the entire game in the Baby Bjorn
10. spending this coming week with Daddy!

1. Mommy going to back to work Monday :(
2. drinking from a bottle…I'll do it but really, I'd just prefer to nurse
3. riding in the car…Mommy and Daddy had to stop on the way home Friday because I was NOT a happy camper!
4. wearing 0-3 month pj's….my legs are getting too long so Mommy had to buy some new pj's at Target today!

I'm getting pretty good posing for these pictures….
I'll even hold the sign for ya, if you'd like! :)

Nursing vs. Bottles….

Lucy has been put to the test the past few days as we offer her more bottles throughout the day. The first few days were rough, but things are looking up!

Here is Lucy showing off the two bottles she drank Saturday!Photobucket

We started Lucy with Medela bottles initially because that is what came with my breast pump. She seemed to do pretty well with these bottles and she would take one every 2-3 days in the evenings from Daddy. Then I realized I only have one nipple for these bottles and only 4 bottles, which I needed to take with me to work for pumping…joy! So we switched to Avent. I'd heard great things about Avent bottles and Lucy's cousin, Jackson and Ellie both used these. Well, Lucy wasn't a big fan. After a few days we switched to the old-fashioned Playtex bottles. I remember Julia telling me these were a life-saver for Ellie at Mini-University when she was a baby. Well, once again, Lucy wasn't a big fan.

So….we are back to the good ol' Medela bottles! Luckily, they sell more bottles and nipples to supplement the few that come when you purchase the breast pump. So we ran to Target today (yay!) to stock up on more of these. And $100.00 of other goodies. Why does that happen EVERY time we go to Target?

Anyways….The good news is Lucy has successfully drank 2 Medela bottles today and Mommy is started to feel better. Although, I think she'd still tell you "Breast is Best!" I was nursing her this evening before dinner and she paused to smile and coo, mid feed, to let me know how happy she was. It was so darn cute! Then she proceeded to stop every 30 seconds to flash her adorable smile! Needless to say, this nursing took longer than normal. I'm wondering if this will happen on evenings when I come home from work next week?

Friday, May 14, 2010

TGIF!!! and TGIS!!!

Thank God It's Friday and Thank God It's Sunny! We've had quite a rainy week here and we were glad to see the sun shining today!

This afternoon we went out to lunch at "Third & Hollywood" and then to a baby consignment shop in Upper Arlington! I found the most adorable little pink and navy outfit for Lucy from Talbots Kids. Who knew there was even such a thing! (Gigi and Mimi would love this store I'm sure because they are Talbots shoppers! Unfortunately Talbots closed their Kids stores in 2009 :( )

When we got home Lucy modeled the outfit for me!Photobucket

Blew some raspberries…her new favorite thing to do!Photobucket

Then she started to get tired…Photobucket

So she took a nap on a blanket in the yard!Photobucket

This nap didn't last long! She obvisouly wanted to take more pictures…hahaPhotobucket

Isn't the outfit adorable?!? Sunhat and bib to match! All for $6.00.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Maternity Leave

Dear Lucy,

The past 14 weeks with you have been better than I could have ever dreamed. I feel so very fortunate that I was able to spend so many weeks home with you before returning to work. I will go back to school for just 3 weeks, to wrap things up, and then we will be able to spend the summer together! While it will be so hard to go back to work on Monday, I must remember how lucky I am to have had 14 whole weeks with you.

Over the past 14 weeks I have bonded with you and fell in love, a love that I never knew existed. You mean the world to me and it feels like you are a part of my body. When you hurt, I hurt. When you cry, I want to cry. When you smile, my entire spirit brightens.

I found this poem that other day and it brought me to tears. It does a wonderful job of summing up the past 14 weeks we spent together. While I rarely ate a hot meal(if I ate anything at all!), took longer than a 2 minute shower(on a good day!), or read any of the books I had collected for my "maternity leave"…this time was more than I could have ever dreamed of! You are the very best baby and I think it is a true blessing to be your Mommy!

Before I Was A Mom

Before I was a mom, I made and ate hot meals, wore unstained clothes and had quiet conversations on the phone.

Before I was a mom, I never worried about how late I went to bed because I could sleep in as long as I wanted.

Before I was a mom, I washed my face and brushed my teeth everyday.

Before I was a mom, I enjoyed a leisurely cup of coffee while reading the
morning newspaper on a Saturday morning.

Before I was a mom, I slept the whole night through.

Before I was a mom, my house was clean everyday and I didn't worry about whether or not my plants were poisonous.

Before I was a mom, I had never been puked on, pooped on, peed on, chewed on or pinched by little fingers.

Before I was a mom, I had complete control of my mind, thoughts and body.

Before I was a mom, I never held down a screaming child while doctors and nurses did tests or gave shots. I never felt my heart break into a million pieces because I couldn't stop the hurt.

Before I was a mom, I never knew how satisfying it is to feed a hungry
child. I never knew how fulfilling it is to soothe a baby's cries.

Before I was a mom, I never looked into teary eyes and cried.

Before I was a mom, I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.

Before I was a mom, I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down. I never was up in the wee hours of the night just watching a baby while it slept. I never knew that something so small couldn't effect my life so tremendously.

Before I was a mom, I never knew I could love someone so unconditionally and completely.

Before I was a mom, I never knew the feeling of having my heart outside my body.

Before I was a mom, I never knew the warmth, the joy, the heartache, the
wonderment, or the fulfillment of being a mom.

Before I was a mom, I never knew I would love being a mom.

LJE - I love you so much and look forward to our summer together!!! :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Bedtime Routine!

We've started a new bed time routine with Lucy and it seems to be going well. Previously, we'd been doing the "eat, play, sleep" routine through the entire day until the late evening where she would normally take a long nap on Mommy or Daddy until we come upstairs to bed around 10:30-11:00 pm. Then we'd do a diaper change, swaddle, and nurse to sleep.

Now we come upstairs to the bedroom around 8:00 pm and Lucy gets a bath. Then after holding my warm little bundle in a towel (this is my favorite part!), she gets a lotion massage. With her warm pj's on, we play and read on our bed together! Then I nurse and rock her to sleep.

This new routine is getting Lucy to sleep a few hours earlier than normal and she seems to be doing well with the extra sleep. Surprisingly, she is also sleeping in later now too! This morning she woke up at 7:30 am, I nursed her, and she slept in until 8:50 am! WOW! What a treat for a Mommy and Daddy on their week off!

Here are some pictures from bath time tonight! Photobucket

I LOVE to kick my legs and splish, splash! (And yes, I'm learning to blow raspberries!)

Mommy likes to make me laugh!Photobucket

I'm not crazy about water on my head…Photobucket

Now for Mommy's favorite part…..holding her warm baby after her bath!Photobucket

Check me out playing on the bed! I'm loving sitting up now-a-days!Photobucket

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

13 Weeks Old!

Happy 13 Weeks Lucy!

1. kicking my legs like crazy
2. smiling when you talk to me in a silly voice
3. my new night time routine…..8:00 pm starts bath, lotion massage, reading books, nurse, bed time!
4. sleeping in until 8:00 am! (Mommy loves this new change!)
5. spending this entire week with Mommy and Daddy!
6. spending next week with my Daddy!
7. spending the next week with Grandma Dee!
8. my baptism bib Mimi got me!
9. I love my aunties!

1. when my poop gets ALL OVER my car seat (ugh!)
2. Mommy going back to work next week! :(
3. riding in the car - If I'm not asleep, I'm not happy!
4. drinking from a bottle (I've got my Mommy worried!)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Lucy's Baptism

Today was a very special day for Lucy Josephine! She was baptized at St. Matthew's Church in Gahanna. We have been eager for this day to come and it was quite a blessing to have it on my first Mother's Day!

Lucy's Godparents, Julia and Craig, were there to support her on her Big Day!

And all the "Moms" celebrating Mother's Day!

Lucy was a good sport and didn't mind the holy water being poured on her head.
By the third splash she looked at us with those "what's going on" eyes..

She had LOTS of family to love her today!

The Ehrmin gang…

The O'Bryant gang…

Mommy and Daddy love you so much and we were so happy to have you baptized today! You looked beautiful in your gown.

This is the very same gown that your Mommy wore when she was baptized 26 years ago!

What a special day for you!

No better way to spend Mother's Day than with my new baby girl and my wonderful Mother!

The posing with Lucy continued at our house….you are one LOVED baby!PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket

We had a great day! Thank you to everyone for being a part of Lucy's special day!
Ellie's LOVES "baby Lucy!"

We love you LJE!Photobucket