Monday, November 30, 2009

and her full name will be....

Lucy Josephine Ehrmin
Her middle name is in honor of her great-grandmother, Josephine Emily Mutchler who passed away in October. We are eager for Lucy to carry on this beautiful name!

Her initials are LJE.
Her monogram is LEJ.

*Look for an update soon on the progress in the nursery. We weren't crazy about Pink Cadillac or Sweet Taffy so we are headed back to the paint store. But her clothes are all washed and sorted and her closet is almost finished :)


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Beautiful. I love Lucy! (I won't be the first or last to use that phrase from the classic TV days!)

Jenny and Jon said...

family names are great and add a nice personal touch to a new baby's name.

Mimi and Papa said...

Lucy Jacquelyn was my first choice...Josephine a close second. Napoleon married is a beautiful family name and will always remind you of grandma mutchler! xomimi