Monday, November 2, 2009

shoes, shoes, shoes

This weekend while in Perrysburg Denny and I stopped at Scoots downtown P-burg. It is the cutest little baby shoe store. After browsing for awhile, we bought Lucy's first pair of shoes from us. We were tempted to buy the Ugg boots (Denny even said "They are worth it just for the picture!") but in the end we picked the adorable Baby Bella Gold booties.

These cute gold shoes will be added to Lucy's shoe collection, including the pair Laura bought her!!!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Love the shoes! Miko taught Elisabeth this little song that goes "shoes, shoes, shoes, shoes, shooooeess!" We can share that song and love for adorable shoes with Lucy. We know all about fancy shoes! :)

Mimi and Papa said...

Did I pass on this gene for shoes!?
Adorable and I can hardly wait to put them on the new baby Lucy. Remember when you babysat for Elisabeth and you would change her outfit five times during the day. It is sort of like playing dolls, but the real baby is more fun. love, Mimi

Canon and Laura said...

Is it ridiculous that this little lady is going to be better dressed than us? I am going to be getting fashion advice from Miss Lucy. I love it all!! :)

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

I was reading the week-by-week pregnancy guide on your blog and it says baby is now 2 pounds and you're going to be gaining 1 pound per week. See, I told you it would start getting easier...heck, you've got a good 14 more weeks to go! Gain it girlie!

Jenny and Jon said...

Ha, great minds think alike...wait until you see what Auntie Jenny bought Lucy for Christmas!!!!!