Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Fun!

Here are pictures from my classroom's party last Friday! The parents planned cookie decorating, pumpkin painting, healthy snacks, bingo, and much much more! The children absolutely LOVED the day!

Then all of the students put on their costumes for the parade around Granville! It was a gorgeous sunny day in the mid 70s!

I'll start with the boy costumes....the "Zombie" was most popular this year. One boy said, "I bought the scariest costume my mom would let me buy!"

Now here are some of the girl costumes!

Mrs. Krebehenne and Mrs. Ehrmin

Can you guess what the following costumes are supposed to be?
"I'm AIR!"

"I'm a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader!" (I wanted to ask if her mother let her out of the house in that...I mean seriously she is only a 1st grader!)

And last, but not least....Lucy was a PUMPKIN!!!


Katie said...

I just DIED! As for the first grader, she is clearly borrowing her mom's outfit, which is why mom has no issues with her daughter wearing it! OMG!

Mimi and Papa said...

Hi to Katie!!!!!
Love the costumes and the party fun! Now we all know why teachers dread this holiday! Kids go crazy!
love, mimi

Jenny and Jon said...

why again did everyone tell me NOT to be a teacher...this looks like so much more FUN than being a lawyer! Too bad I figured this out so late and after so many thousands on education...........

Canon and Laura said...

Jenny, it is only fun until the parents plan games like "Spit the Wart on the Witch." And kids spit spitballs onto the chalkboard in the middle of H1N1 SEASON!!! Happened in my room :)

Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

Loved the kimono and the skunk. Lucy was adorable.
Can't she come now? I'm getting too excited! :)