Wednesday, December 2, 2009


We are feeling very thankful tonight as my mom recovers at Toledo Hospital from her hip replacement surgery. The surgery went well this morning and she is in the recovery room now! Thank you for all your prayers. Now we need to continue to pray for her as she undergoes PT and the entire recovery process.

I wish I could be there to help her now! But I am looking forward to December 18 when we go to Perrysburg to celebrate Jay's big 18th birthday and I'll stay home to help mom get ready for the holidays.....baking cookies, wrapping presents, decorating, and taking her to rehab and anything else she might need! We will enjoy our time together!

Mom we are praying for you and very proud of how strong you were today!


Mommy MD and Daddy DDS said...

We also missed you today...won't you please move home to Perrysburg? :)

Mimi and Papa said...

Thank you for all the prayers! Dr. Beer told papa I have strong bones and did really well. This recovery should be a breeze. Day 2 is supposed to be the worst and I managed to survive PT and learning to take care of myself. Let me tell you how beautiful my first shower felt. wow. love, mimi

megandevere said...

Lucy is a very lucky girl...her nursery is beautiful!